Huszonharmadik alkalommal rendezi meg Nyári Egyetemét Kőszegi Felsőbbfokú Tanulmányok Intézete (iASK) és a Társadalmi és Európai Tanulmányok Intézetével (ISES) és a Pannon Egyetemmel együttműködve, a Közép-Európai Kezdeményezés (CEI) támogatásával. 1996 óta a Nemzetközi Nyári Egyetem nagyszerű lehetőséget nyújt a szakértőknek, szakembereknek, politikai döntéshozóknak, kutatóknak, társadalomtudósoknak és diákoknak, hogy találkozzanak és megvitassák a kortárs kihívásokat és a nemzetközi együttműködéssel kapcsolatos legfontosabb kérdéseket.
A Nemzetközi Nyári Egyetem az új ismeretek létrehozására, felhalmozására és terjesztésére összpontosít. Multidiszciplináris megközelítésben kerülnek napirendre az európai integráció és az EU széthullásának veszélyeivel kapcsolatos politikai, ideológiai, gazdasági és kulturális dinamikáját érintő kérdéskörök. A politikusok, társadalomtudósok, gyakorlók, kulturális örökség szakértők és művészek izgalmas élményt nyújtanak a résztvevők számára. A diákok betekintést kapnak abba, hogy hogyan kamatoztassák a helyi, nemzeti, regionális és transznacionális folyamatok terén folytatott kutatásaikat a változó európai térségben.
A globális átalakulásokra és a növekvő globális válságokra reflektálva új gondolkodási módokat kell kialakítani. Ahogy az összetett és kölcsönösen összefüggő stratégiai gondolkodás a kutatásoknak új lendületet ad, a különböző területeken dolgozó szakértők új több nézőpontból elemzik az adott kérdést: a regionális fejlesztési stratégiáknak például mindenhol a helyi sajátosságok szem előtt tartásával kell, figyelembe kell venniük a társadalmi és gazdasági kohéziót és a fenntarthatóságot is az egész kontinensen.
Az európai demokráciák jövője, a Közép-Európa sorsára a mai napig erős hatással bíró, a kommunizmus korából származó örökség, a térségben hagyományosan jelen lévő, illetve az Európába irányuló migrációs folyamatok miatt egyre erősebben megjelenő vallások, továbbá a klímaváltozásból adódó társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatok összetett problémakört alkotnak, amely az EU egészére komoly hatással van. Ezen folyamatok megértése és az összefüggések elemzése többirányú megközelítést igényel, amelyet a több mint 20 országból érkező szakértők biztosítanak.
A hazai és nemzetközi szaktekintélyek – mint Sean Cleary (Világ Jövője Alapítvány) Simon Duke (Európai Közigazgatási Intézet) vagy William Outhwaite (Sussex-i Egyetem Európai Tanulmányok Intézete) Erhard Busek (volt osztrák alkancellár) – mellett az előadók között helyet kapnak az FTI-IASK vezető kutatói is, köztük Miszlivetz Ferenc, Bába Iván, Bogárdi János, Jody Jensen vagy éppen Stuart Holland és James M. Skelly.
A Nyári Egyetem célja, hogy az előadók és a hallgatók, illetve az érdeklődők között olyan párbeszéd alakuljon ki, ahol nemcsak az eltérő véleményeket ütköztetik, hanem érdemi megoldási javaslatokat is találnak a jelenünket érintő globális problémák lokális kezelésére.
A szakmai előadások mellett esténként ingyenes koncertek (Sijin Chen zongorakoncertje és a Heruvimi Macedón Női kamarakórus középkori énekkoncertje) és kiállítások (Gabriele Matzner festőművész) színesítik a Nyári Egyetem programját.
- European Security and Security Policy in a Changing Global Landscape
- Remembering and Forgetting Communism
- The Future of European Democracy and Democracy in a Global Context
- Memory and Populist Politics in Popular Culture
- At the intersection of Migration and Populist Politics
- Societies at Risk: Climate Change and Sustainable, Resilient Societies
- From Global to Local Sustainability: Microregional Aspects and the Circular Economy
- Interreligous Dialogue
Application deadline: 31st May 2018
Application deadline: 15th June 2018 (only for CEI students!)
Application FormParticipation fee:
EUR 450 for participants from non-CEI countries
EUR 100 for participants from CEI countries
The organizers provide:
- educational programme and materials
- special events (opening-closing dinner), crossborder excursion
- accommodation with breakfast and lunch
- (if you need) 5 ECTs by the University of Pannonia you should give a presentation.
Participants cover:
travel costs to/from Kőszeg
Applicants please send us the following:
- completed application form
- a 2-page statement on the topic of your academic interest (description of your studies, fields of research and their relation to the topics of the International Summer University)
- CV
Eligibility: Students pursuing their BA, MA or PhD degrees and have academic and/or professional interest and enthusiasm for the topics.
For more information please contact: [email protected] OR [email protected] OR call 0036-94-200-520.

24th June – Sunday
Venue: Zwinger Old Tower
16:00 Registration
17:00 Opening Ceremony (Ernő Sebestyén – Violin, Tamás Mérei – Cello)

Keynote: SEAN CLEARY: Europe in Global Vortex
Panel discussion: DANIEL BROOKS (Emeritus Professor, University of Toronto) JODY JENSEN (iASK, Jean Monnet Professor) JAMES SKELLY (iASK Senior Researcher)
19:00 Reception
Venue: Sigray room, Europe House
25th June – Monday
Venue: Europe House – Bibó Auditorium
10:00 The Future of the EU and Central – European Perspectives
Moderated by FERENC MISZLIVETZ (Director, iASK)

Hungary and the EU – by GÁBOR ZUPKÓ (The European Commission Representation in Hungary)

The EU and Russia Relations – by LYUBOV SHISHELINA (Russian Academy of Sciences Institute Europe)

Slovakia and the EU – by LUCIA MOKRA (Dean, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava)
11:30-11:45 Coffee break
11:45-12:45 The Future of EU and Central – European Perspectives
Moderated by IVÁN BÁBA (iASK, Former State Secretary of Foreing Affairs, Hungary)

BOGLÁRKA KOLLER: V4 as a new emerging from in the EU (Dean for Science and International Affairs, Department of European Studies, Faculty of International and European Studies)
MAGDALÉNA VÁŠÁRYOVÁ (Former State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slovakia)
MICHAL VASECKA (Masaryk University)
13:00 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Conflict, Cooperation, Migration: Central European panel with diplomats, politicians
H.E. ELISABETH ELLISON-KRAMER (Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Hungary) GABRIELE MATZNER (Former Ambassador of Austria) IVÁN BÁBA (iASK, Former State Secretary of Foreing Affairs, Hungary)
16:15-17:00 Exhibition Opening of GABRIELE MATZNER
Venue: Zwinger Old Tower
17:00-18:00 “Talking & Sounding City” – Soundwalk by ZOLTÁN MIZSEI and MÓNIKA MÁTAY
ZOLTÁN MIZSEI (Associate Professor at Church Music Department, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, research fellow at Collegium Sonorum, iASK) MÓNIKA MÁTAY (Associate Professor at the Institute of History at Eötvös Loránd University and research fellow at Hankiss Research Archive, iASK)
This Soundwalk requires a portable media player or smartphone and earphones. The sound files can be downloaded from HERE.
This program can be ’walked’ anytime while you are in Kőszeg. A printed guide map can be picked up at the entrance of Bibó Auditorium (Europe House 2nd floor)
20:00 Café Bloom with SEAN CLEARY
26th June – Tuesday
Venue: Europe House – Bibó Auditorium
9:30 Climate Change and Sustainable Societies

Climate Change and its Consequences – by DANIEL BROOKS (Emeritus Professor, University of Toronto)

AMARJOT JOHAL: Global Warming and the Sweetness of Life: A Tar Sands Tale (Simon Frazer University, Vancouver, British Columbia)
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-12:45 Discussion
13:00 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Sustainability Tour in Kőszeg guided by students of CUNY and iASK young scholars

Sustainability Plans for Kőszeg – Made by Students of CUNY
20:00 The Apple Cider and Spritzer Contest – Bar-hopping in Kőszeg
27th June – Wednesday
Venue: Europe House – Bibó Auditorium
9:30-11:00 The Future of Europe

WILLIAM OUTHWAITE: De-Europeanisation East and West (Emeritus Professor, Newcastle University, UK) & STUART HOLLAND: The Future of European Democracy (iASK, University of Coimbra)
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-12:45 Discussion
CHRISTIAN FRANCK: The EU’s and the Trump’s Foreign Policies: How Far they Diverge (Emeritus Professor, Université Catholique de Louvain, UCL Belgium)
13:00 Lunch
14:30-16:00 The Future of Democracy in a Global Context – Trust, Distrust and Democracy. Allophilia in Theory and Practice

TODD PITTINSKY (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University): Trust, Distrust and Democracy
28th June – Thursday
Venue: Europe House – Bibó Auditorium

ATTILA PÓK (iASK, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
ANDRÁS NAGY (Associate Professor at the University of Pannonia, Department of Theater Studies)
ADAM HUDEK (Senior Researcher, Institute of History, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
MATEUSZ MAZZINI (Graduate Student, Graduate School for Social Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology)
GERGELY ROMSICS (Senior Researcher, Research Center for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
LYUBOV SHISELINA (Russian Academy of Sciences Institute Europe)
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-12:45 Discussion
13:00 Lunch
14: 30 Discussion panel continued
HEIDEMARIE UHL (University of Vienna) ATTILA PÓK (iASK, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

ANDRÁS GELENCSÉR (University of Pannonia)
JÁNOS BOGÁRDI (University of Bonn)
HILLARY BROWN (City University of New York)
SÁNDOR KEREKES (iASK, University of Kaposvar, Corvinus University of Budapest)
19:30 Piano performance by Sijin Chen
Venue: Bibo Auditorium Europe House, Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st. 14.
29th June – Friday
Venue: Europe House – Bibó Auditorium
9:30-11:00 European Foreign and Security Policy
JAMES SKELLY (iASK Senior Researcher)

SIMON DUKE (European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht)
LIDIJA GEORGIEVA (UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Studies and Research, UKIM, Skopje) NORBERT KROÓ (professor emeritus, ordinary member of the Hungarian Academie of Sciences)
12:00-12:45 Visiting the Town Hall of Kőszeg – guided tour by Béla Básthy
BÉLA BÁSTHY (Deputy Mayor of Kőszeg)
13:00 Lunch
Free Research Afternoon
30th June – Saturday
Excursion to Slovenia (Lendva and Maribor)
Slovenia In Europe Introduction in Maribor by GORAN GUMZE (Alma Mater Europea, European Center, Maribor)
1st July – Sunday
2nd July – Monday
Venue: Europe House – Bibó Auditorium

RUBIN ZEMON (Special Adviser to the Macedonian Prime Minister on Multiculturalism) DIMITAR NIKOLOVSKI (iASK Researcher) IGOR STIPIC (iASK Researcher) ASTREA PEJOVIC (Central European University)
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-12:45 Discussion
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Interactive Feedback Session

Venue: St. Emeric’s Church Kőszeg, Jurisics square
3rd July – Tuesday
Venue: Europe House – Bibó Auditorium

GYÖRGY CSEPELI (iASK, Emeritus Professor, Eötvös Loránd University) SLOMÓ KÖVES (Executive Rabbi of EMIH Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation) ANDREJ CILERDZIC (Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Eparchy of Austria and Switzerland) VIKTÓRIA HEDVIG DEÁK (Prioress General, Dominican Sisters of the Congregation of St. Margaret of Hungary) MUAMER BECIROVIC (Student and regional president of Young ÖVP Vienna) LENART SKOF (Alma Mater Europaea, European Center, Maribor) RICHARD PAPP (Associate Professor, Cultural Anthropology Department, Eötvös Loránd University)
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-12:45 Discussion
13:00 Lunch
Church and city tour in Kőszeg with TAMÁS FEJERDY (International Council on Monuments and Sites)

16:30-18:00 Engaging Citizens
STEVE AUSTEN (Felix Meritus Foundation, Amsterdam): Role +Responsibility of NGOs and individuals in Shaping European Citizenship

RYSZARD PRASZKIER (University of Warsaw): Empowering Leadership of Tomorrow
Culture, Heritage and Citizenship – Successful joint Erasmus+ application
4th July – Wednesday
Venue: Europe House – Bibó Auditorium

JODY JENSEN (iASK, Jean Monnet Professor) TARA HOPKINS (Small Projects Istambul – for Syria)
GORAN GUMZE (Alma Mater Europea, European Center, Maribor) ELENA ALEKSEENKOVA (Russian International Affairs Council, Moscow, MGIMO-University (besides RIAC)) MARCO ZOPPI (Research Assistant, University of Bologna) GABRIELE MATZNER (Former Ambassador of Austria) MILOSLAV BAHNA (Chairman of the Slovak Committee for the UNESCO MOST Programme) ISTVÁN HORVÁTH (Professor at the Hungarian Language Sociology and Social Work Department of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj/Kolozsvár)
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Student’s presentations
20:00 Filmclub
Venue: Europe House – Bibó Auditorium
Suggested by GYÖRGY CSEPELI (iASK, Emeritus Professor, Eötvös Loránd University)
5th July – Thursday
Venue: Europe House – Bibó Auditorium
9:30-11:00 Student’s presentations
13:00 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Student’s presentations
19:00 Dancing Party
Venue: Tóth Winery Rákóczi st. 6. H-9730 Kőszeg
6th July – Friday
10:00 Closing Ceremony
Venue: Zwinger Old Tower
13:00 Farewell Lunch
Venue: Sigray room, Europe House
DeparturesElena Alekseenkova (Russian International Affairs Council, Moscow, MGIMO-University (besides RIAC))
Steve Austen (Felix Meritus Foundation, Amsterdam)
Iván Bába (iASK, former State Secretary of Foreing Affairs, Hungary)
Miloslav Bahna (Chairman of the Slovak Committee for the UNESCO MOST Programme)
Muamer Becirovic (Student and regional president of Young ÖVP Vienna)
János Bogárdi (University of Bonn)
Daniel Brooks (Emeritus Professor, University of Toronto)
Hillary Brown (City University of New York)
Andrej Cilerdzic (Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Eparchy of Austria and Switzerland)
Sean Cleary (Founder and Executive Vice Chair of the Future World Foundation)
György Csepeli (iASK, Emeritus Professor, Eötvös Lorand University)
Viktória Hedvig Deák (Prioress General, Dominican Sisters of the Congregation of St. Margaret of Hungary)
Simon Duke (European Instutute of Public Administration, Maastricht)
Tamás Fejérdy (International Council on Monuments and Sites)
Christian Franck (Emeritus Professor, Université Catholique de Louvain, UCL Belgium)
András Gelencsér (University of Pannonia)
Lidija Georgieva (UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Studies and Research, UKIM, Skopje)
Goran Gumze (Alma Mater Europea, European Center, Maribor)
Stuart Holland (iASK, University of Coimbra)
Tara Hopkins (Small Projects Istambul – for Syria)
István Horváth (Professor at the Hungarian Language Sociology and Social Work Department of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj/Kolozsvár)
Adam Hudek (Senior Researcher, Institute of History, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Jody Jensen (iASK, Jean Monnet Professor)
Amarjot Johal (Simon Frazer University, Vancouver, British Columbia)
Sándor Kerekes (iASK, University of Kaposvar, Corvinus University of Budapest)
Boglárka Koller (Dean for Science and International Affairs, Department of European Studies, Faculty of International and European Studies)
Slomó Köves (Executive Rabbi of EMIH Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation)
H.E. Elisabeth Ellison-Kramer (Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Hungary)
Mónika Mátay (Associate Professor at the Institute of History at Eötvös Loránd University and research fellow at Hankiss Research Archive, iASK)
Gabriele Matzner (Former Ambassador of Austria)
Mateusz Mazzini (Graduate Student, Graduate School for Social Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology)
Ferenc Miszlivetz (Director, iASK)
Zoltán Mizsei (Associate Professor at Church Music Department, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, research fellow at Collegium Sonorum, iASK)
Lucia Mokra (Dean, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences Comenius University in Bratislava)
András Nagy (Associate Professor at the University of Pannonia, Department of Theater Studies)
Dimitar Nikolovski (iASK Researcher)
William Outhwaite (Emeritus Professor, Newcastle University, UK)
Richard Papp (Associate Professor, Cultural Anthropology Department, Eötvös Loránd University)
Astrea Pejovic (Central European University)
Todd Pittinsky (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University)
Attila Pók (iASK, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Ryszard Praszkier (University of Warsaw)
Dr. Miklós Réthelyi (Chair, Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO)
Gergely Romsics (Senior Researcher, Research Center for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Lyubov Shishelina (Russian Academy of Sciences Institute Europe)
James Skelly (iASK Senior Researcher)
Lenart Skof (Alma Mater Europaea, European Center, Maribor)
Igor Stipic (iASK Researcher)
András Szöllősi-Nagy (Engineer, Hydrologist, Professor – Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Heidemarie Uhl (University of Vienna)
Magdalena Vasaryova (Former State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slovakia)
Michal Vasecka (Masaryk University)
Rubin Zemon (Special Adviser to the Macedonian Prime Minister on Multiculturalism)
Marco Zoppi (Research Assistant, University of Bologna)
Gábor Zupkó (The European Commission Representation in Hungary)[videobox main_video=”10503″ side_videos=”%5B%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210564%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210582%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210587%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210600%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210605%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210610%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210616%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210638%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210642%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210650%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210677%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210684%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210700%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210712%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210779%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210744%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%2210781%22%7D%5D”]