Kutatás és tanulmányok

2. napi program – Nemzetközi Nyári Egyetem 2021. – Közép-Európai Tangó a globális tánciskolában

June 29 (Tuesday)

9:30-10:00      Online registration and technicalities

Morning Session

10:00-11:00    Panel Discussion: Covid-19 and New Dimension of Governance: the Role of the State

Contact tracing apps, vaccine passports and other innovative systems and technologies that have been developed to control the pandemic are possibly imposing new standards of surveillance and new restrictions on human rights and freedoms. How is the current crisis transforming the world today by establishing new borders of private and public? Has Covid-19 accelerated processes of digitalization and introduced new surveillance practices that are here to stay?

Chair: Ivana Stepanovic (Research fellow of IASK, Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade, Serbia)

Invited Panelists: Christian Eichenmüller (Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institute of Geography, Germany), Ortwin Renn (International Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam, Germany), James M. Skelly (Research fellow of IASK), Attila Szigeti (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; iASK)


11:00-11:15 Short Break

11:15-12:00    Q&A Session

12:00-13:30    Lunch Break

Afternoon session

13:30-16:00    Panel Discussion: Human Security in Light of Pandemic: Are New Challenges increasing the New East-West Divide?

The current COVID-19 pandemic has revealed itself to be much more than a health crisis. If there is indeed aftermath to it, any sort of future needs to consider the contradictions between science and policy, including communication and misinformation, to ensure the protection of individuals as well as the sustainability of our biosphere. This challenge faces many threats from technology, the escalation of military confrontations and conflicts, and increasing distrust in democratic institutions. What scenarios for the future can be based on a new paradigm centered on global human security?

13:30-13:50    Keynote: Pavel Palazhchenko (Gorbachev Foundation) “Towards a New Concept of Security”

13:50-14:50 Panel Discussion

Chair: Ferenc Miszlivetz (Director, iASK)

Invited Panelists: Dan Brooks (Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto; iASK), Sean Cleary (Founder, Future World Foundation; iASK International Board)Lydia Georgieva (University of Skopje), James M. Skelly (Research Fellow, iASK)


14:50-15:30    Q&A Session

Discussant: Ahmet Evin (Sabanci University; iASK International Board)

15:30-16:25    Cultural Event: Sounds of Pannonia

Bartók Universe – music improvisations, Improvisation and composition by the Binder- Borbély duet, Bartók and his homeland by the Mizsei quintet