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Kutatás és tanulmányok

Szerdai program – UNESCO MOST Téli Iskola az FTI-iASK-nál

Intergenerational Perspectives on Hybrid Risks

21st – 25th February 2022 – Online

Organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) and the Institute for Social and European Studies (ISES), in cooperation with the University of Pannonia, and the UNESCO Chair of Kőszeg.

All events of the UNESCO IWS 2022 will be held in Central  European Time (CET) 

Wednesday 23rd February

Moderator of the day: Attila Pók

MORNING SESSION: 10:00-12:00 panel discussion

Challenged Democracies: Deconstructing old values, creating new alliances, and (re)building social trust in (post)pandemic times

The notion of democracy has undergone profound change as the relationship between citizenship and the state is challenged by the evolving trends of economic, political, and social globalization. There is an increasing inability of the former to command the later and has resulted not only in the rise of political disillusionment and general voter apathy but has also radicalized political options that emerge as an antidote for the most serious ‘democratic disease’ of our times – the lack of social trust among the wider population in political institutions. The panel addresses how to mitigate current conditions, learning from recent failures, and forging new ways for effective civic engagement that could reestablish an effective belief in democracy as a method for resolving the pressing issues of our time.

Proposed panelists:

12:00-14:00 Lunch break

AFTERNOON SESSION: 14:00-16:00 panel discussion

How to Tell the Truth? Communication between science, politics (policy) and societies in times of crisis and change

In times of global crises, communication channels between the scientific communities, governments and populations are often hijacked and can lead to the erosion of democratic values and the hyperproduction of conspiracy theories. How do we restore trust in an era of fake news, post-truth and the collapse of traditional media?

Proposed panelists:

16:00 – 17:00 Cultural Broadcast: Zoltán Mizsei Sounding City