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About Us

Müller, Bernhard


Müller, Bernhard (managing director, Urban Forum, Austria)

After graduating from the Wiener Neustadt Business Academy , he studied law for three semesters and began studying political science and journalism, which he completed in 2011. In 1995 he became a specialist in housing subsidies in Vienna. In 1996 he moved to Wiener Neustadt, where he spent three years in the building law department and seven years in the commercial office. As a part-time graduate of Public Management, he graduated in 2013 with the academic degree „Master of Public Administration” (MPA).

Bernhard Müller was a member of the municipal council of the city of Wiener Neustadt. In March 2005, he was appointed City Councillor for Finance and the Economy. He was the Mayor of his home town from 2005 to 2015.

In the Social Democratic Party of Austria Müller is active since 1995 (accession) in the Section 1/3, whose chairmanship he held until 17 February 2017. In parallel, he founded in 1996 the „Platform Critical Youth” (PKJ), where he served as chairman until 2001. From 1995 to 2001 Bernhard Müller was also the youth spokesman of the SPÖ city party organization. In 2005, Mayor Müller was elected city party chairman. He was a member of the Bundesparteivorstand as well as of the regional party presidium and board of the SPÖ Lower Austria. In addition, he was appointed Federal Chairman of the AGM Austria (before the Local Policy Center of the SPÖ) and is a member of the executive committee of the Austrian Association of Towns. He supported and facilitated the founding of the project during his tStumbling blocks for Wiener Neustadt , which has so far relocated more than 100 stumbling blocks in the city. He is currently Secretary General of the Urban Forum – Egon Matzner -Institut für kommunalswissenschaftliche Forschung.