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Kutatás és tanulmányok

Kutatói ösztöndíj pályázati kiírások – 2024

Deadline for applications: November 30, 2023

The Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) invites applications for individual research fellowships for periods of 3-5 months between March 1, 2024 and July 31, 2024.

Applications are expected to address a topic under the following three thematic priorities:

1. Creative Cities – Sustainable Regions: Case Studies in Regional Development, Circular Economy and Sustainable Solutions

The flagship program at iASK is called KRAFT: Creative Cities and Sustainable Regions. We are looking for innovative applications that address complex regional development initiatives and ideas that transform into public policy to increase the vitality and sustainability of regions and micro-regions. An important aspect to consider is the role of cultural heritage and its maintenance.

Topics include:

  • From urban to rural: the role of creativity and locality, and strategies of placemaking in regional development across Europe
  • Culture-based development frameworks (policies or other civic initiatives) through global case studies
  • Centres and peripheries: understanding patterns of inequality between regions, the impacts of deindustrialisation and neoliberal economies
  • Well-being and liveability: How can we create sustainable and liveable spaces with and for communities?

Applications should:

  • analyse and critique key concepts in the area of sustainability (ecological, economic, cultural and social aspects)
  • demonstrate a deep understanding of current global trends, the interconnectedness of crises and their local ramifications, growing inequalities, as well as practical utilisation of research for policy and societal change
  • conduct data collection and analysis for evidence-based research to support the critical study of the circular economy and its localised implementation

2. Civilizational Crisis and Global Change: Geopolitical Challenges, Climate Crisis and Survivability

Research will be supported that addresses the complexity and challenges of the modern world including globalization, the escalation of war, accelerating climate change, fragile societies, disruptive technologies, overpopulation, and mass migration. Multi-disciplinary methodologies supporting the research project (including complexity theory, quantitative and qualitative analysis, data science, and modelling) are encouraged. Research should relate social research to natural sciences, as well as promote policy discussions at local, regional and global levels.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Geopolitical transitions and a new global order in transition – the formation of national and international political communities and their social, cultural and economic ramifications
  • Agency and spaces for social and civil activism in the face of war (with a specific focus on the Russian aggression against Ukraine) and in struggles for peace
  • Power and discourse: information and misinformation in times of crisis
  • Local conflicts, human security and migrations in diverse geopolitical contexts
  • The role of international organisations in times of war and policrisis

3. The Future of Europe and the EU – with a Specific Focus on Relations between and among East Central Europe and Southeastern Europe

The COVID-19 pandemic, climate emergencies and multiple crises caused by the war in Ukraine have major implications on Europe’s security and geopolitics. A core goal of post-Cold War Europe was to progress with the enlargement project through systematic transformations, but these processes have been disrupted and the diverging trajectories of post-socialist countries need investigation, while at the same time placing them in a global context.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Between East and West: Comparative research on contemporary economic and political relations between Western Europe and Central and Eastern European states
  • Western Balkans and the EU: Possibilities and hindrances to further EU enlargement*

What are the dynamics of the EU integration processes and the ensuing political, economic, social and cultural implications for the Western Balkans? How is the European perspective in the countries of the Western Balkans shaped, promoted, or challenged?

  • Environment and Sustainability*

How do Southeastern European countries align with EU environmental standards? How can Balkan countries transition to more sustainable societies, and what challenges must be overcome in the process? What are the regional and cross-border cooperation possibilities for sustainable practices in the region?

  • Cultures of Memory*

What are the implications of different narratives (e.g., digital, popular, and official) and their temporalities for identity construction in the Balkans? What are the multiple appropriations, and who are the creators of these narratives in physical, online, and imaginary spaces of memory?

*Applicants from Southeastern Europe and the Balkans will be given priority.

Eligibility: The scholarship is open to applicants with advanced university degrees.Two categories of researchers are awarded:

Senior researcher: A senior professor or researcher (academic doctorate, habilitated associate professor) in any higher education or academic institution (university or research institute). In exceptional cases, expert applicants without a doctorate, but with demonstrated outstanding academic and professional achievements (scientific and artistic) may also apply. All must have at least 10 years of professional experience in their respective fields.  Based on professional experience, scholarship levels range from 500,000-650,000HUF per month.

Early-career researcher: Applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria: 1) be a doctoral student or doctoral candidate (who has completed their coursework) and their research must not be supported by other sources of funding; 2) hold a PhD/DLA degree. All must have 1-3 years of experience in higher education or research, and at least 3 publications in national or international journals. Based on professional experience, scholarship levels range from 350,000 to 450,000HUF per month.

The Selection Committee may reclassify the fellowship between senior and early-career candidates and will decide on the scholarship level.

ONLY APPLICATIONS IN ENGLISH ARE ACCEPTED. The working language at the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg is English.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: November 30, 2023 (24.00CET)

Applications are to be submitted electronically (scanned and signed, in PDF and Word format) and sent to:  scholarship@iask.huand hard copies by post to: Izabella Agárdi, Institute of Advanced Studies, Chernel utca 14, Pf. 4., Kőszeg, 9730 Hungary.

Deadline for sending the original, signed documents (date of postmark at the latest): November 30, 2023

The complete application package consists of:

  • a completed application form: Application form_2024
  • Research proposal (maximum 5 pages)
    • The applicant submits a monthly research work plan, objectives, methodology, the expected scientific results and their relevance for science and society.
  • signed declaration form: Personal data protection form_2024 and Declaration of Honour_2024
  • a curriculum vitae with a photograph, including a list of publications (in the case of MTMT registration, the data and the publication list)
  • a copy of your academic degree certificate(s)
  • copy of identity card or passport (non-EU citizen)
  • in the case of young researchers, a professional reference letter proving relevant professional experience

There is no application fee.

Evaluation of applications

The evaluation of proposals will be carried out by a Selection Committee composed of experts in the relevant disciplines. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the evaluation by January 19, 2024.

About the Grant

Successful applicants will sign a legal contract with the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg and perform their academic activities during the grant period. Contractual conditions and obligations of the scholarship will be detailed after the evaluation of successful candidates This includes the requirement of physical presence at iASK for 75% of the scholarship period.

For further information, please contact: Izabella Agárdi (phone +36-94-200-528, e-mail: izabella.agardi@iask.hu).

For more information you can find the detailed call for proposals here: iASK Call for Proposals 2024_downloadable