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Kutatás és tanulmányok

4. napi program – Nemzetközi Nyári Egyetem 2021. – Közép-Európai Tangó a globális tánciskolában

July 1 (Thursday)

Morning Session

10:00-12:00 Panel Discussion: Global Communication Strategies and the Potential of Soft Power
There is life beyond the pandemic, and there is nothing harder than soft power diplomacy. Experts will discuss how to ethically communicate, through soft power strategies, on issues related to climate change, sustainable societies, social solidarity and cohesion, international and cultural exchange. As we face an increasingly complex future with the potential for growing conflicts, the discussion will address mitigation strategies and best practices in the field.
10:00-10:20 Keynote: Katalin Bogyay (15th Permanent Representative of Hungary to the UN; President of UNESCO 36th General Conference; iASK) “Soft Power Diplomacy in Action” – on Facebook!
10:20-10:30 Q&A Session – Only in Zoom!
10:30-10:45 Short Break
10:45-11:30 Panel Discussion -Only in Zoom!
Chair: Katalin Bogyay (15th Permanent Representative of Hungary to the UN; President of UNESCO 36th General Conference; iASK)
Invited Panelists: H.E. Sheikha Alya bint Ahmed Al Thani (Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nations), Mark C. Donfried (General Director, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin), Leida Ruvina (Research fellow, iASK, Ph.D. Candidate University of New York Tirana), Rubin Zemon (Institute for Social and Humanities Researches by the Euro-Balkan University in Skopje, Macedonia),
11:30-12:00 Q&A Session – Only in Zoom!
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

13:30-14:30 Panel Discussion: Institutional Resilience During Crises: Global, Regional and Local Perspectives: The Creative Cities Perspective – Only in Zoom!
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted key dimensions of national institutional systems that will have a lasting effect. At the same time, institutions (related to healthcare, education, the economy, etc.) are critical to providing a resilient response to the crisis. Some countries and some institutions and civil society did better to innovate to mitigate institutional disruptions. What we learn about the resilience of national and international institutions will be crucial moving forward. So what have we learned?
Chair: Ferenc Miszlivetz (Director, iASK)
Invited Panelists: Graham Bell (Europe Nostra, Magyar Reneszánsz Foundation) tbc, Ilan Chabay (International Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam, Germany), Katalin Galambos (Research fellow, iASK), Ákos Jakobi (Research fellow, iASK), Mónika Mátay (Research fellow, iASK) Ryszard Praszkier (Ashoka Poland, University of Warsaw)
14:30-15:00 Q&A Session – Only in Zoom!
15:00-16:00 Cultural Event
Zoltán Mizsei (iASK): The Soft Power of Music: Consolation and Strengthening Identity in Hard Times (oral and musical performance)