Research & Studies

results for Central and Southeastern Europe

Total results: 141
A personal perspective - The 4th European Blue Sky Conference
Imagine, if you will, a conference of academics and practitioners discussing a wide range of issues, all relating in one way or another to the challenges, dilemmas and internal and external tensions of the European Union. This was the 4. International Blue Sky Conference in Budapest organized by iASK.
2nd UNESCO MOST Winter School 24-28 February 2020 at iASK
Call for Applications  “In What and Whom Do We Trust? The Sustainability of Ideals and Re-evaluation of Values Across Continents” Application deadline: 31 January 2020
Developments in the EU: Breaking by György Schöpflin
"Mitteleuropa" Revisited by Erhard Busek & Emil Brix - Academic Book Launch at iASK
Academic book launch and roundtable discussion on current challenges of Central Europe at iASK Date: 10th of December 2019. at 2.00 p.m.  Venue: Zwinger-Oldtower Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st. 16.
Brexit and the European Legal Cooperation by John F. Larkin
iASK Lecture Series  - The Future of Europe in a Global Context 2019 Date: 26th November 2019    Tuesday, 3 p.m.                    Venue: Zwinger Old-Tower Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st, 16. 
Nationalism and Conservatism in Contemporary Europe by Ferenc Hörcher
Fighting for Identity - Europen Challenges and Central European Realities by István Stumpf
iASK 2019-2020 Workshop Series of Human 2.0 Research Group
The goal of this iASK Workshop Series is to shed some light on the frontiers of human and machine knowledge, and to initiate an international discourse on the intersections of humanity –and the Humanities– in the digitally driven revolution.
Blue Sky Conference by iASK in Budapest: November 7-10, 2019
Faultlines and Frontlines of European Transformation 7-10 of November 2019 Budapest
The Rainforests are on Fire - Academic Workshop at iASK
Dátum: 2019. október 22. kedd 10.00-16.00 óra Helyszín: Felsőbbfokú Tanulmányok Intézete, Zwinger Öregtorony, Kőszeg 9730 Chernel u. 16.
EU - Why and where are we integrated? by György Schöpflin
iASK Lecture Series  - The Future of Europe in a Global Context 2019 Date: 15th October, 2019 - at 2 p.m. Venue: Zwinger Old-Tower Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st, 16.
Anikó Magasházi: Singapore and Southeast Asia - Official Book Launch by iASK in Budapest Corvinus Faculty Club
Date: 16th of October 2019. at 5.00 p.m.  Venue: Budapesti Corvinus University Faculty Club, Main Building - Budapest Fővám tér 8