Culture & Heritage

A Renaissance Jewel with a Rich History

The Sgraffito House, a renowned landmark in Kőszeg’s city centre, stands as a testament to Renaissance architectural splendor. Originally constructed in the 16th century, this distinguished building underwent significant transformations over the years. A second floor was added in the 1560s, while the ground floor served as shops and the upper floors as apartments. The house derives its name from the decorative technique employed on its façade, originating from northern Italy, where two layers of plaster are applied and one layer is subsequently removed to reveal intricate patterns. Adorning the façade is a Latin inscription dating back to the 17th century, quoting the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans. Today, the Sgraffito House serves as the library and research space of the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK), housing an extensive library supporting research and teaching activities in both social and natural sciences.