The latest article by Dániel Molnár, our former research fellow, has been published in the issue 2024/1 of the Human Innovation Review.
Prostitutes, arslaves, deviant women's fashions : anti-women prejudices in the 19th century
Mapping the emergence of the circular economy within the governance paths of shrinking cities and regions: a comparative study of Parkstad Limburg (NL) and Satakunta (FI)
Marjan Marjanović, an Associate Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg, examines the interplay between governance priorities and the circular economy (CE) agenda in Parkstad Limburg (Netherlands) and Satakunta (Finland).
Cultural and creative industry in the Szigetköz area
This newly published article was written by Petra Kinga Kézai, Szandra Gombos, former iASK researchers and Ákos Jakobi, current fellow, and was released in Tér és Társadalom 2023/2.
Hidden treasures in the Bakony - The storytelling cookbook of Bakonynána
This brand new article was written by Mariann Szabó, iASK researcher, with Judit Keszey and was released in Nők Lapja online in 2023.
„They have been taken away with the Jews”. Multidimensional Memory and Minority Narrative
This brand new article was written by Izabella Agárdi, iASK researcher, and was released in Helikon in 2022.
The Challenges of Transcultural Memories and Memory Studies in the Global Age
This brand new article was written by Tímea Jablonczay, iASK researcher, and was released in Helikon in 2022.