European Blue Sky Conference

News & Events

Fostering Visionary Thinking and Interdisciplinary Dialogue

Organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg, in cooperation with esteemed partners including the UNESCO Chair for Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainability, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the University of Pannonia, Kőszeg Campus, and the Institute for Social and European Studies, this distinguished conference brings together experts and visionaries from various fields to tackle complex global issues.
The Blue Sky Conference serves as a catalyst for transformative change, encouraging participants to transcend conventional boundaries and envision bold and innovative approaches to global challenges. With a focus on interdisciplinary research, future literacies, and innovative solutions, the conference has gained international recognition for its commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and fostering collaboration.
The Blue Sky Conference promotes cutting-edge ideas, transformative research, and collaborative initiatives and explores global heritage, cultivates future literacies, and develops innovative solutions to address interlinked crises. The aim of fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and embracing holistic perspectives is to help create a sustainable and inclusive world.