
Month: October 2019

Total results: 15
Az idő urai
Praszkier, Ryszard (2019) The Anatomy of Obama's "Yes We Can"
Ryszard Praszkier: The Anatomy of Obama's "Yes We Can" iASK Working Papers. II.2019/WP01
Fighting for Identity - Europen Challenges and Central European Realities by István Stumpf
Good Stories
iASK 2019-2020 Workshop Series of Human 2.0 Research Group
The goal of this iASK Workshop Series is to shed some light on the frontiers of human and machine knowledge, and to initiate an international discourse on the intersections of humanity –and the Humanities– in the digitally driven revolution.
Blue Sky Conference by iASK in Budapest: November 7-10, 2019
Faultlines and Frontlines of European Transformation 7-10 of November 2019 Budapest
The Meaning of the Reformation by Martin Luther - Science in the Pub
Mária Széchy - The Venus of Murány - The Missing Story of the Stories of Kőszeg
This content is available only in Hungarian!
Thomas Filk: 'Quantum' and 'Quantum-Like': an Introduction to Quantum Theory and its Applications in Cognitive and Social Sciences
This article emphasizes the similarities between phenomena in quantum theory and phenomena in psychology and sociology, thereby presenting arguments why the formalism developed in quantum theory may be of relevance to the cognitive sciences. It is also intended to be a very cursory introduction to the ideas of quantum theory.
The Rainforests are on Fire - Academic Workshop at iASK
Dátum: 2019. október 22. kedd 10.00-16.00 óra Helyszín: Felsőbbfokú Tanulmányok Intézete, Zwinger Öregtorony, Kőszeg 9730 Chernel u. 16.
EU - Why and where are we integrated? by György Schöpflin
iASK Lecture Series  - The Future of Europe in a Global Context 2019 Date: 15th October, 2019 - at 2 p.m. Venue: Zwinger Old-Tower Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st, 16.