
Research & Studies

results for News

Total results: 201
Five Years Later - iASK's Show-reel
The history of iASK in pictures and numbers.
Stars and Debates: Who does Europe Remember?
Explore the boundaries of our memory and memory politics! 3 December (Thursday), 2020 at 5 pm.
Are we already in the global water crises? Where can science and technology be of help?
A study written by András Szöllősi-Nagy (hydrologist, a former fellow of iASK) was published in Valore Hungariae MIND volume 3. page 22-26.
Beethoven Memorial Concert at iASK
340-Year-Old Renewed Building of the Benedictine Convent & School was Inaugurated in Kőszeg
The newly renovated heritage building of the former Benedictine Convent and School has reopened in Kőszeg as a hotel on Monday, September 7.
Singapore and the COVID-19
The summer issue of the quarterly journal of the Faculty of Economics of Széchenyi István University in Győr carries an article on how the Asian island nation of Singapore had coped with the first phase of the coronavirus crisis.
Sounding Well of Kőszeg - History of a Dream
This content is available only in Hungarian!
Time to Acceptance of 3 Days for Papers About COVID-19 by Ádám Kun
A new article was written by Ádám Kun (ELTE, Parmenides Foundation, former iASK Researcher). was published on the website of the MDPI.
Trust - an Integral Part of the Welfare State in Denmark
H.E. Kirsten Geelan, Denmark’s ambassador to Hungary lectured at iASK in "The Future of Europe in a Global Context" series,
New E-Learning for Secondary School Students by iASK
This content is available only in Hungarian!
New E-Learning for Secondary School Students by iASK
This content is available only in Hungarian!
Coronavirus: DAMA protocol comes before the Hungarian government, which can control many epidemics
In addition to the infectious, now-frightening (corona COVID-19) virus, Hungarian researchers are also seeking to identify the underlying pathogens that may pose a threat later on.