Research & Studies

Ferenc Miszlivetz Nominated as a Corresponding Member of the HAS

The Director General of the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) has been recommended for membership of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) by the following academics:

– József Bayer, Full Member of the HAS, Department of Economics and Law

– Tibor Palánkai, Full Member of the HAS, Department of Economics and Law

– Pálné Kovács Ilona, Full Member of the HAS, Department of Economics and Law

– Tamás Szentes, Full Member of the HAS, Department of Economics and Law

Ferenc Miszlivetz was born in Budapest in 1954. He is the Director General of the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) and a part-time professor at the University of Pannonia. His scientific research is multidisciplinary. His research focuses mainly on the problems of social development in East-Central Europe, including our country, and the search for new paths, with regard to the impact of global economic and regional crises, the European integration process, the development of democracy and civil society, the networking of self-organizing organizations, the emergence of geopolitical factors, and the possibilities of regional economic, social and cultural development. His theoretical, historical and empirical analyses enrich the literature by exploring the broad interrelationships. About one third of his more than 300 scientific publications are in foreign languages. He has conducted research at several prestigious universities and research institutes abroad. His teaching, research organisation/management and educational impact are also significant. Founder of the ISES Foundation (Institute for Social and European Studies) and of the iASK (Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg). He is a national figure of excellence in interdisciplinary scholarship. In addition to his wide international recognition, his main merit is the linking of theoretical research with socially and economically useful development activities in practice (e.g. the KRAFT – Creative City and Sustainable Region – development programme).

His national and international awards include the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary (2005) and the Hungarian Cross of Merit (2021), the “Ad personam” Jean Monnet Chair and the Centre of Excellence from the European Commission.

The full articel is available HERE!