Presentation of the Talking Houses project at Duke University (North Carolina)

Research & Studies

Presentation of the Talking Houses project at Duke University (North Carolina)

Mónika Mátay, (reseacher of iASK) is a guest-lecturer at the Duke University (North Carolina, USA) this week. She is participating in the discussion and evaluation of students’ research-projects. The main aim of the visit is to present the Talking Houses project of iASK at the University and to develop mutual research and educational cooperation with students […]

Gábor Szabó (HAS): Contextuality and Quantum Theory

Contextuality is a fundamental notion in the foundations of quantum theory. It says that one cannot assign values to a quantum observable independently of what other observables are co-measured with it. That is, physical properties in quantum theory are contextual: they depend on other, jointly performed measurements.

Turning point for Europe – Remembering 1918 –

What is the meaning of 1918 for today’s European politics and societies? What is the role of this history in envisioning Europe of the 21st century? The Czech Centres in cooperation with Václav Havel Library, Bozar Centre for Fine Arts, Finnish Institute for the Benelux, Culture Action Europe, and EUNIC Prague cluster would like to […]

Bach for Everyone – Festival in Kőszeg

Excellent musicians will give concerts in honour of Johann Sebastian Bach between 24th and 25th of March in Kőszeg. On the occasion of the famous composer’s birthday, the audience will have the chance to listen to his outstanding musical pieces in special places and circumstances.

Where Words Fail, Music Speaks

The conversation will focus on the specifics of music as an analog mode of communication between human beings. Date: 21 of March, 2018 at 3.00 p.m. Venue: Szamos Marzipan Patisserie – Budapest, 1126 Böszörményi st. 44-46.

Pope Francis and the situation of Christendom – Science in the Pub

  Pope Francis and the situation of Christendom – Science in the Pub – Monday, 12 February 2018 at 5 p.m. Speaker: Asztrik Várszegi archabbot, Pannonhalma “The joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted, these are the […]

International Symposium in Memoriam Egon Matzner

  Date: Tuesday, 24th April, 2018 at 1 p.m. Venue: Institute of Advanced Studies (iASK), Egon Matzner Room – Chernel Street 14. Kőszeg H-9730, Program: Introductory words Ferenc Miszlivetz, director of iASK A Political and Socio-Economic Thinker of Many Qualities Gabriele Matzner, retired Austrian ambassador, author and painter Keynote address: German and Italian Political Economic […]

Reformation and Individualization

X. Leo, the new elected Pope, has understood the Luther’s disciples are very dangerous, because of threatening the absolut power of the Church ruling over the people’s souls and bodies…