Rima Rammah: From War-Torn Syria to Germany

Research & Studies

Rima Rammah: From War-Torn Syria to Germany

University of Pannonia Koszeg Campus

Rima Rammah, a Syrian student who recently completed her MA in International Studies at the University of Pannonia’s Kőszeg Campus, shares her compelling journey in her post on “Europe Must Act” platform.

EU Integration Processes in the Western Balkans and Facilitation Possibilities of Central and Eastern European States

Institute for Advanced Studies Koszeg is implementing a research project “EU integration processes in the Western Balkans and facilitation possibilities of Central and Eastern European States” . The goal of this research is to conduct a comparative and holistic study and review of the dynamics of the EU integration processes and the ensuing political, economic, social and cultural implications for the Western Balkans, as well as how is the European perspective in the countries of the Western Balkans shaped, promoted, or challenged.

Students from ELTE Bibó István College participated in a weekend-long block seminar at iASK

As part of an ongoing partnership, students from ELTE Bibó István College for Advanced Studies participated in a weekend-long block seminar at iASK. The course, focusing on global inequalities, was taught by Jody Jensen, director of transdisciplinary research and collaboration at iASK. The course was built around a bespoke syllabus, designed to enable the students […]

Cultural Heritage Days at iASK

A Felsőbbfokú Tanulmányok Intézete az idei évben is csatlakozik a Kulturális Örökség Napjai országos kezdeményezéshez. Ennek keretében szeptember 17-én (szombaton) és 18-án (vasárnap) látogatható lesz a Festetics Palota, a Sgraffitós Ház és a Zwinger-Öregtorony épülete. A Kulturális Örökség Napjai idén a 150 éves intézményes magyar műemlékvédelem előtt tiszteleg, erre tekintettel külön programokkal is készültünk, amelyekre várunk minden érdeklődőt! 

Our Events at the Kőszeg Synagogue Were Popular

Koszeg Synagogue Schey Family

After the renovation, the unique Kőszeg Synagogue opened its doors to the public with new activities and rich cultural events as part of the city’s cultural heritage. On the 28th and 29th of August 2022, the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) contributed to the series of events for the national Week of Synagogues. During […]