
Research & Studies

results for Articles

Total results: 126
Theoretical and methodological considerations for research on quality of life and well-being
A brand new article was released in Hungarian Statistical Review written by László Kulcsár.
Away from the Ivory Tower - Research and Urban Development in Kőszeg and Western Hungary
Interview with Jody Jensen, senior researcher, and Ferenc Miszlivetz, founding director of FTI-iASK
The Post-Soviet Migrant Entrepreneurship: a Critical Assessment of Multidisciplinary Research
A brand new article by Sanja Tepavcevic was released in Journal of Identity and Migration Studies.
Are we already in the global water crises? Where can science and technology be of help?
A study written by András Szöllősi-Nagy (hydrologist, a former fellow of iASK) was published in Valore Hungariae MIND volume 3. page 22-26.
Student Mobility vs. Internal Migration
A new article with the contribution of Zsolt Kosztyán was released in Magyar Tudomány.
Articles released in Visegrad Europe
The Visegrad Europe journal has several articles from our researchers in issue 3-4./2019.
The bitter fruits of 1918-1920 for the Hungarians
A new article by György Csepeli was released in Visegrad Europe.
The Hungarians in Europe: A Thousand Years on the Frontier
A new article with a contribution of Attila Pók was released.
Singapore and the COVID-19
The summer issue of the quarterly journal of the Faculty of Economics of Széchenyi István University in Győr carries an article on how the Asian island nation of Singapore had coped with the first phase of the coronavirus crisis.
Time to Acceptance of 3 Days for Papers About COVID-19 by Ádám Kun
A new article was written by Ádám Kun (ELTE, Parmenides Foundation, former iASK Researcher). was published on the website of the MDPI.
Festival Tourism and Festival Economy: a Comparative Study of Tihany and Fehérvárcsurgó
László Kulcsár iASK research fellow and László Bodrogai's new study was released in Prosperitas.
Geography – Social Sciences – Tourism: a Theoretical and Methodological Overview
A new article by László Kulcsár was released.