Research & Studies

The Post-Soviet Migrant Entrepreneurship: a Critical Assessment of Multidisciplinary Research

A new article written by Sanja Tepavcevic was released in Journal of Identity and Migration Studies in vol. 14 nr. 2, 2020.



The collapse of the Soviet Union combined with political and economic reforms generated increasing migrations and capital flows between and from the former Soviet countries. As indicated by International Organization of Migrations (IOM), in 2019 only the number of Russian citizens living abroad was 10 million. The researchers from various disciplines have been following relationships between post-Soviet migrations, the outward capital flows and emigres’ entrepreneurship and during the last two decades over 40 studies related to post-Soviet immigrant entrepreneurship have emerged. This paper identifies the development of the research on post-Soviet migrant entrepreneurship, its main trends, and research gaps. It delineates the boundaries and outline the contributions of immigrant entrepreneurship research to the fields of post-Soviet migrations and Russian outward foreign direct investments (OFDI). The review of the existing literature results in a new analytical framework that integrates findings in these domains and can be further extrapolated to analysis of entrepreneurship of other migrant groups.


Keywords: migrations, post-Soviet (im)migrants’ entrepreneurship, literature review


The article is available here with full text.About the author: