Research & Studies

results for Central and Southeastern Europe

Total results: 141
Sugarcane growth prediction using new artificial methods
Sugarcane growth prediction based on meteorological parameters using extreme learning machine and artificial neural network This article is available in
1968 - A Protest Wave Initiating New Trends in Global Politics, Values, Culture
Date: October 8-October 12, 2018 Venue: Kőszeg, Chernel street 14. Europe house, Bibo room
A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Daily Prediction of Solar Radiation
In this paper, we present a Cluster-Based Approach (CBA) that utilizes the support vector machine (SVM) and an artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate and predict the daily horizontal global solar radiation
A Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithm for Prediction of Reference Evapotranspiration
In this study, a hybrid algorithm of adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and principle component analysis (PCA) is utilized to predict the reference evapotranspiration (ET0)
Changing Realities: Islamic Veils and Minority Protection
An article written by Dr. Gábor Kardos was released in East European Yearbook on Human Rights (Issue 1, 2018.)
Understanding China's Belt and Road Initiative
Memory and Populist Strategies
iASK at the Oriental Business Center Conference in Budapest
Real-Existing Democracy and its Discontents in Europe and Elsewhere - Lecture by Philippe Schmitter
 The Ottomans in Europe - Lecture by Ahmet Evin at iASK
Europe, Eurasia - Lecture by Ahmet Evin at iASK
The New Sustainability: Progress, not Nostalgia - Lecture by Daniel Brooks at iASK
Global climate change is literally beyond belief. It does not favor any political, economic, social, religious or ethnic group. Fourth Lecture of the iASK Series: “The Future of Europe in Global Context” by Daniel Brooks (University of Toronto) Date: on 23rd of April at 2.00 p.m.