Research & Studies

results for Central and Southeastern Europe

Total results: 141
The experts did not paint a rosy picture - Trends in protection of national and language minorities in Europe
Listing one of the greatest achievements of the last twenty years has been ‘that in many of the states. we have managed to make them realize that they are a multilingual society; in many countries, people were just not aware that there are also citizens…who use different languages, and that these different languages don’t have a lesser value just because the number of speakers is smaller.
Academic book launch by iASK at the Library of HAS
Academic book launch and roundtable discussion by iASK at the Library of HAS Date: 22nd of October 2020. at 4.00 p.m. Venue: Library and Information Centre of HAS H-1051 Budapest, Arany János str. 1. The event will be held in Hungarian and partially English!
Health and Education - COVID-19 Workshop by iASK
We face numerous questions, which are difficult or impossible to answer immediately, but the exchange of views among stakeholders and those responsible can help us to find optimal ways to accountable and efficient attitudes and flexible adaption. In order to formulate the response, we will need more and more information, positive examples and, above all, resilience. Date: 2nd October 2020, 9 am- 4 pm  Venue: Zwinger Old Tower, Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st. 16. Live streaming:
Stories and destinies from Central Europe - Academic book launch and roundtable discussion by iASK
Academic book launch and roundtable discussion by iASK Date: 17th of September 2020. at 4.00 p.m. Venue: Berzsenyi Könyvtár H-9700 Szombathely, Dr. Antall József tér 1. The event will be held in Hungarian!
Covid-19 - The New Age of the Armchair Anthropology
In this podcast episode, Astrea Pejović and Dragana Kovačević Bielicki discuss their personal experiences with digital methods in anthropological research and the situation in which they had to digitally adapt their researches.
Central Europe - The Hungarian View - Recommendation by Iván Bába
Our book has been written in response to this invitation for debate, as a kind of reflection on the work of the two Austrian authors, Emil Brix and Erhard Busek. We did this as Central Europeans, from a Hungarian perspective, on a national democratic ideological basis. It is well known that all of us depict the world on the basis of our personal experiences—we find it hard to “step out” of our skin and stand nowhere, yet we strove to approach the ideas that do not meet our agreement or, contradicting our own experience and knowledge, provoke our disparate thoughts or beliefs “objectively,” with tolerance and empathy as much as possible.
The UN is Tested - Commemorating the 75th Anniversary #IntheTimeofCorona by H.E. Katalin Bogyay
Date: 03rd June 2020 at 2 p.m.                                 Live streaming of the lecture will be accessible at
Whither Europe in a Tumultuous World? - Lecture by Ivan Vejvoda (IWM Vienna)
Date: 26th May 2020 at 2 p.m. Live streaming of the lecture will be accessible at
Eastern Europe’s Imprint on Modern International Law - Lecture by Stefan Troebst
The history of the development of international law should not be left exclusively to international lawyers or jurists, but also to research by historians’ - so says Professor Stefan Troebst.
When The Pandemic Is Over, The World Must Come Together - By Mikhail Gorbachev
I’ll never tire of repeating: we need to demilitarize world affairs, international politics, and political thinking.
Trust - an Integral Part of the Welfare State in Denmark
H.E. Kirsten Geelan, Denmark’s ambassador to Hungary lectured at iASK in "The Future of Europe in a Global Context" series,
Farewell Enlightenment Rationality - Black Swans on the Blue Sky Series by iASK
Hungary has become the scapegoat for the failure of left-liberalism which has overseen intolerable inequalities, a slowing of upward social mobility, mounting dissatisfaction with marginalization (Brexit, gilets jaunes, Lega, AfD). Leading article by György Schöpflin (Head of the Advisory Board od iASK)