Research & Studies

results for Central and Southeastern Europe

Total results: 141
From Monnet to Merkel - Ambitions, Illusions and Realities - Stuart Holland's lecture at iASK
Second Lecture of the iASK Series: "The Future of Europe in Global Context" by Stuart Holland (University of Coimbra, iASK).  Date: 3 p.m.  19 March, 2018. Live streaming of the lecture is accesible at and
Controlled Passions or the Sustainable Capitalism?
The wisdom of Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is still relevant today: “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do. But what I hate, I do.”
Conference of Euro-Balkan University Skopje
Euro-Balkan University will be the host of the 6th International Conference “Ohrid-Vodici, 2018” in Ohrid, Macedonia next week. The topic will be: “Diaspora, Transnationalism, Transculturalism and Inter-Cultural communications as new forms of social capital”
Call for papers for Conference of Euro-Balkan University Skopje
Diaspora, Transnationalism, Transculturalism and Inter-Cultural communications as new forms of social capital
Muslims in Europe: Integration or Isolation?
Katalin Bogyay wins Women of Distinction Global Leadership award
Katalin Bogyay, permanent representative of Hungary to the United Nations, has won the Women of Distinction 2017 Global Leadership Award from women's association Celebrating Women International.
Next Europe - Cooperation and Convergence
Europe’ - as we know it in 2017 - similar to democracies -  might ’die’, or collapse as an old and exhausted set of institutions.
Tibor Palánkai: Re-thinking integration
Reflections on Future of EU in Theoretical Contexts at IASK
András Nagy: International Responses to the Hungarian 1956 Revolution
More than six decades had passed after the Soviet Army brutally crashed the Hungarian Revolution yet its significance does not seem to diminish.
Tamás Magyarics: The legacy of the Obama Administration
Great expectations preceded Barack Obama’s presidency. He seemed to endorse a realist approach to international relations.
Muslims in Europe: Integration or Isolation? 
Europe's growing Muslim population... Several factors have contributed to the heightened attention on the question of Islam in Europe...
The Future of International Relations and Nuclear Weapons