Those were indeed heroic times… Snapshots from the launch of our latest book

The exhibition and round table discussion about the book took place at the Stirling Villa in Velem, home to many of the College’s events. The informal and convivial event was attended by a large number of former students as well. The book is available (in Hungarian): More information:
Bakony Social Innovation Project by iASK with the support of Veszprém-Balaton European Capital of Culture 2023

The Bakony Social Innovation Project supports the development of cultural-artistic programs in the participating municipalities (Bakonynána, Borzavár, Jásd and Nagyesztergár), which are part of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture (VEB2023 ECOC) Programme, through research work.
Daliás idők a könyvhéten

Bemutatták a Németh László Szakkollégiumról és a civiltársadalom felemelkedéséről szóló kötetet Az Ünnepi könyvhét Vigadó téri programjainak sorában mutatták be a Daliás idők – A Németh László Szakkollégium és a civiltársadalom felemelkedése című könyvet, amelyet a Felsőbbfokú Tanulmányok Intézete és a Kortárs Könyvkiadó közösen adott ki. A beszélgetést Kondor Katalin újságíró moderálta, aki azzal […]
Algorithmic Reproduction of Hate on Social Media

The study was written by Ivana Stepanovic, iASK researcher and was released in a book titled GOVOR MRŽNJE in 2022.
Military Veterans’ Associations in the Kingdom of Hungary (1868–1914)

The article was written by Balázs Tangl, iASK researcher and was released in Hungarian Historical Review 11, no. 1, in 2022.
Impact of Soil Sealing on Soil Carbon Sequestration, Water Storage Potentials and Biomass Productivity in Functional Urban Areas of the EU and the UK

The article was written with the contribution of Gergely Tóth, iASK deputy-director and was released in Land, Nr. 11., 2022.
Social Innovation – theory and practice from the perspective of “Creative City – Sustainable Region” (KRAFT) National Program

This article was written by Ferenc Miszlivetz, Mariann Szabó, László Karvalics Z., Jody Jensen, and Katalin Galambos and was published in European Integration Studies, Vol. 17., Nr. 2. in 2021.
Daliás idők – június 18-án az FTi-iASK kiállításmegnyitója és könyvbemutatója Velemben

Daliás idők címmel, a Kortárs Kiadó gondozásában jelent meg az a kötetünk, amely a szombathelyi Németh László Szakkollégium történetét dolgozza fel hazai és nemzetközi kontextusban. A könyv szerzői: Miszlivetz Ferenc, Sümegi István, Szabó Gábor, Szommer Ildikó és Tokaji Nagy Erzsébet. A kötet a rendszerváltás első éveinek eddig feltáratlan részét, azt a pillanatot […]
Evidence of non-site-specific agricultural management effects on the score of visual soil quality indicators

The article was written with the contribution of Tamás Hermann, iASK researcher and was released in Soil Use and Management, in 2022.
A LUCAS-based mid-infrared soil spectral library

The article was written with the contribution of Gergely Tóth, iASK deputy-director and was released in Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Vol. 185, Issue 3, 2022.
About the KRAFT program – interview with Ferenc Miszlivetz, Director of iASK

On Wednesday evening, a conversation with Ferenc Miszlivetz, Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies was broadcast on Kossuth Radio’s program “The Evening – the Host” in Hungarian. The interview was about the Kraft (Creative City, Sustainable Region) program and its results, the interviewer is academic Norbert Kroó, Executive Chairman of Advisory Board of iASK. […]
The global crisis of raw material and climate change – interview with András Gelencsér

András Gelencsér, member of the Advisory Board of iASK, talks about the global crisis of raw materials and climate change in an interview with The article can be found here.