Norbert Kroó: Revolutions in XXIst Century Science and Technology

This book is an expanded version, complete with examples, of lectures on twenty-first-century science and technologies.
Ferenc Miszlivetz received a prestigious award from Széchenyi István University

In recognition of his valuable work in the development of regional higher education, strengthening cooperation between institutions and making academic achievements visible.
Tepavcevic, Sanja (2022) Building Resilience in the Times of the Cold War: Motives and Geography of Yugoslav and Soviet Migrations in 1946 – 1989

Polányi Centre Working Paper I.2022/WP03
Stepanovic, Ivana (2022) Tweetstorms and Politics of Algorithmic Visibility: Precarious Online Labour of Ecology Activists and Climate Influencers in Serbia

Polányi Centre Working Paper I.2022/WP02
The New Lecture Series on the Future of Europe Starts on October 4th

The Future of Europe in a Global Context Kicks off with a talk by Larysa Tamilina: “Making a Difference Through Similarities: A Comparative Analysis of Social Trust Formation Between Ukraine and Russia”.
Fitra, Mohammad Yunas (2022) Minority Rights in Southeast Asia and ASEAN’s Response to State-directed Minority Persecutions: Special Emphasis on the Rohingya Minority Persecution

Polányi Centre Working Paper I.2022/WP04
iASK at the 27th International Book Festival

iASK presents its publications at the 27th International Book Festival in Budapest from September 29th to October 2nd .
Why do Ukrainians want to go back home? Possible causes behind the return of war refugees to Ukraine

The article was written by Larysa Tamilina, associated fellow of iASK and was released on Vox Ukraine on 4 August 2022.
Why do Russians accept the murder of Ukrainians? Philosophy of war and Putin’s invasion of Ukraine

The article was written by Larysa Tamilina, associated fellow of iASK and was released on Vox Ukraine on 10 June 2022.
Key Features and Factors behind Social Trust Formation in Ukraine

The article was written by Larysa Tamilina, associated fellow of iASK and was released in East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures in 2022.
Uncovering the genomic basis of an extraordinary plant invasion

The article was written with the contribution of Péter Poczai, iASK researcher and was released in Science Advances, Vol 8. Nr. 34., in 2022.
Redevelopment of Brownfields for Cultural Use from ERDF Fund—The Case of Hungary between 2014 and 2020

The article was written by Mariann Szabó, iASK researcher and Fruzsina Bozsoki. It was released in Journal of Risk and Financial Management, p. 59-77., in 2022.