Miszlivetz Ferenc: Élő város (videó)
Az Új Reformkor mozgalom záró konferenciájának előadásait videón rögzítettük. Elsőként Miszlivetz Ferenc szociológus előadását ajánljuk, aki a városfejlesztés alternatív lehetőségeiről beszélt. A szakember úgy látja: a modernizációs törekvéseknek nagyobb hangsúlyt kellene helyeznie a középvárosok illetve kisebb regionális központok fejlesztésére is, hiszen csak így lehet szavatolni, hogy a vidéki városok is képesek legyenek megtartani az értékes […]
Why Should We Reinvent Central Europe?
The European Union has been going through a crisis. It has lost its dynamism and can only strengthen its competitiveness and increase economic and social cohesion if the member states, regions, local governments and, not least, activist groups of local societies strive to achieve these aims. Not all public figures seem to have understood this in our […]
The Future of Europe: Democracy, Civil Society and Enlargement
Laurence Whitehead in a recently published article, links the complex and blurred issue of Eastern enlargement of the EU to what he calls „democracy promotion”.* As is usually in the case of European enlargement, reality moves ahead of theory and the social sciences: one can agree with Whitehead that the Helsinki Summit of Dec. 1999, which concluded to start […]
The European Civil Society Discourse
Democratic deficit The EU’s soft spot is that its institutions are not thoroughly transparent and lack the democratic social legitimacy. The democratic deficit during the 90’s was constantly growing. The consensus that was symptomatic of the integration-orientated elite has been drained after the war. This consensus played a noteworthy role in the regular and effective co-operation of the […]
What happened to you, Hungary?
There are more and more people asking how did we manage to make such a mess of it all? Why did we fail to retain and capitalise on the initial advantage and positive evaluation that this country had at the outset? Back in 1990 this country was seen as the most promising East of the Elba. After […]
The Tunnel at the End of the Light: The Crisis of Transition in Hungary
AFTER ACCESSION: STRAYING INTO THE LABYRINTHS OF THE WORLD Back in 1990 Hungary was seen as the most promising east of the Elba. After the annus mirabilis of 1989 the country was expected to set an example for the other countries in transition in the entire region of former Soviet satellites. After nearly two decades, the question has […]
Miszlivetz Ferenc: A civil társadalom paradigmája
Originally published on April 8, 2010 A ’80-as évtized termékeny és kreatív időszak volt mind intellektuális értelemben, mind a társadalmi változás érdekében szerveződött alternatív mozgalmak, civil kezdeményezések kivirágzását és együttműködését tekintve. Kritikai gondolatok, stratégiai, hosszú távú koncepciók, fejlődési alternatívák egész sora bukkant fel és vált népszerűvé, széles körben vitatottá, hogy azután elsüllyedjenek a ’90-es évek kezdeti […]
“WE ARE IN THE SITUATION OF RELATIVE FREE WILL” An Interview with Immanuel Wallerstein
We are sitting here almost 30 years after our first interview in 1981 in Budapest and it seems to me that most of your predictions and analyses concerning the change in the upcoming world system proved to be right. You forecasted that the world system is in a transition phase which would take several decades. In one of […]
Miszlivetz Ferenc Vas megyei Prima díjban részesült (sajtóválogatás)
Miszlivetz Ferenc Vas megyei Prima díjban részesült Sajtóválogatás Kiosztották a megyei Prima díjakat 2009. november. 05. csütörtök Szerző: Varga Nóra A Jurisics vár lovagterme zsúfolásig megtelt csütörtökön délután. Az idei prima-jelöltek, az egykori primák, a díj támogatói, a díj összegét biztosító vállalkozók, a VOSZ országos vezetőségének a tagjai, a Prima Primissima Alapítvány Kuratóriuma, országgyűlési […]
The Haydn-Liszt Quartet: New Institutions, Social Actors and Networking in the West-Pannon Euroregion
The 1990s were the years of learning not only in terms of market economics but in terms of joining the European integration processes as well. This is especially true for the estabishment of the institutional frames for regions and regional development and cooperation. As a result, seven regions were created in Hungary without the dissolution of the counties, […]
The Crisis of European Construction and the need for a European Civil Society
I. THE CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS, PLAN-D AND CIVIL SOCIETY The Role of Academia Reconsidered In this new epoch of rapid social change, globalization, integration and disintegration, the two terrains and mindsets (academic theory and policymaking) should not be separated from each other on the basis of Weberian rigour. The social sciences should deliver useful ideas, praxis-oriented approaches and methodologies […]
Migration and Interdependence – Ferenc Miszlivetz
Interdependence Day Summit 9-10 September 2007 Mexico City