Ferenc Miszlivetz received a prestigious Hungarian State Award from Gergely Gulyás Head of the Prime Minister’s Office

Research & Studies

Granite and Brick Memorials Unveiled in Kőszeg

The commemorative speeches recalled the atrocities committed in the former labor camp. In addition to the mourners’ “El mole rachamim” praying, excerpts from László Tolnai’s book Kőszeg Terminus were read. At the end of the event, those present laid the stones of remembrance and lit the spirit candles.

26th International Summer University – The Global “Entangoment” of Central Europe

From 28 June to 02 July 2021!
As the world experiences a pandemic, unprecedentedly shared online, with its human and financial costs, other hybrid threats appear urgent or emergent. The inter-disciplinary approaches reflected in the topics of the 27th International Summer University are needed to analyze these complex realities in order to optimize innovative strategies for crisis mitigation.

Let’s Talk about Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence!

Why should artificial intelligence be considered the fourth major shock in the history of thought? Why do some think of it as voluntary slavery or planetary idiocy? Video lectures and online discourse are available only in Hungarian.