Attila Simon

Research & Studies

Attila Simon

Simon Attila

Dr. Attila Simon is the CEO of Herendi Porcelánmanufaktúra Zrt., a lawyer and European law specialist, Honorary Citizen and Associate Professor of the University of Veszprém, Pannon University.

Szabolcs Márka

Szabolcs Márka is a co-discoverer of cosmic gravitational-waves; his broad research ranges from astrophysics to biophysics.

Erzsébet Tokaji Nagy

Erzsébet Tokaji Nagy is a professional adviser to the librarian of the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) and a senior researcher in the research group of the László Németh College.

Catherine Horel

Catherine Horel is a French historian. She is a senior researcher and program director at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).

Andor Nagy

Nagy Andor

Since August 2018, he is posted as ambassador of Hungary in Vienna.

Asztrik Várszegi

Asztrik Várszegi

Since 2000 he has lectured on Benedictine order history at the Sapientia College of Theology. From March 2018 he will serve as an Abbot Emeritus of Pannonhalma and as a member of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops Conference.

Ljubov Shishelina

Ljubov Shishelina

Ljubov Shishelina is a Doctor of Sciences (history). Currently, she is heading the Department for the Studies of Central and Eastern Europe at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Europe.

András Gelencsér

András Gelencsér, atmospheric chemist, professor, rector (University of Pannonia). He has participated in several international projects and has a large number of joint publications with distinguished scientists.

Norbert Kroó

Norbert Kroó

Norbert Kroó was the Vice-President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His fields of interest are material sciences, optics, neutron physics, science policy.

Tamás Szentes

Tamás J. Szentes is a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and Professor Emeritus at the Corvinus University of Budapest.

Sean Cleary

Sean Cleary is Chairman of Strategic Concepts (Pty) Ltd., Managing Director of the Centre for Advanced Governance, Founder and Executive Vice Chair of the FutureWorld Foundation and Chairman of Atlantic Holdings (Pty) Ltd.

Csilla Vörös

Csilla Vörös

She held several research positions in the field of communication at the Mass Communication Research Center, and the Institute for Social Sciences in Budapest.