About Us

Gábor Pintér


2018: Habilitation: University of Debrecen, field of Social Sciences

2007-2011 PhD student, University of Pannonia Georgikon Faculty,

field of Social Sciences on the subject of Management and Business

Thesis title: Opportunities of the energy usage of some agricultural by-products in

Hungary (PhD title in 2012)

2004 – 2009:  M. Sc. in Business and Management

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Production Organisation, Production Control and Logistics

2001 – 2006:   M. Sc. in Engineering Management

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Quality and Technology Management

2001 – 2005:  Environmental economics – Environmental management certification

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Environmental Economics

2004: ERASMUS scholarship (1 semester)

Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany

2003: European Summer University, France, Chalone en Champagne, Ecole Nationale                                                 Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM), „Sustainable development and technology in                                         Europe”


Work experience:

2018: University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty, Keszthely, Hungary: associate professor
(courses: management, project management, economics, sustainable development)

2014 – 2018: University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty, Keszthely, Hungary: assistant professor

2010 – 2014: University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty, Keszthely, Hungary: associate lecturer

2009 – 2011: Secondary School for Economics in Keszthely, Hungary: lecturer

(subjects: economics, management)

2005 – 2007: Budapesti Elektromos Muvek Nyrt (ELMÜ, Budapest Electric Company), Budapest,                                          Hungary: consultant (field: renewable energy sources, project management)

2005: RWE Energy AG,  Dortmund, Germany: trainee (LEONARDO scholarship, 4 months)

(field: management, project management, marketing, renewable energy sources)



2018-2019: AÖU project manager: Austria-Hungary (Wien, BOKU – Keszthely PE-GK) „Einfluß der Solarnachführung auf die Effizienz von Solar Modulen”

2017-2018: AÖU project manager: Austria-Hungary (Wien, BOKU – Keszthely PE-GK) „Thermische Energiebilanzmodelle unterschiedlicher Photovoltaik Modultypen”

2017: KRAFT-coordinator in Keszthely IASK (Institute of Advanced Studies, Kőszeg)

2017: EFOP 361 K4 project manager, Pannon University, Georgikon Faculty

2015: Project management education in Székelyudvarhely (Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania), MÜTF study center

2013-2015: University of Pannonia TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0017 „Green Energy”- coordinator of the Georgikon Faculty

2007-2008: MSc Education Project about the ’sustainable development’ Comenius University. Bratislava (Slovakia)

2005: RWE Energy AG.: „Vertriebsteuerung und Benchmarking System“ (VSBS) project



2015: CAMPUS Hungary : Höhere Technische Bundes- Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt (HTL) Wiener Neustadt, Austria (1 semester as guest lecturer)

field: renewable energy, sustainability, project management

2012: The young university teacher of the year: University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty

2011: Gubkin Russian State University of oil and gas, Moscow, special prize with the presentation: Gas or biomass



Hungarian: mother tongue

German: understanding, speaking, writing in proficient user,
state-accredited language examination (high level “C”)

English: understanding, speaking, writing in proficient user,
state-accredited language examination (in commercial, trade, medium level, “C”)


Professional Activities:

2018: Member of the Editorial Board: Georgikon for Agriculture (HU ISSN 0239 1260)

2017:  Head of the Organisation Committee of the Georgikon Scientific Days International                    Conference

2017: member of the Veszprém Committee of Communication, Hungarian Academy of                                   Sciences

2013: member of the public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2009: member of the Hungarian Economic Association

2006: member of the Organisation Committee of the Georgikon Scientific Days International                         Conference


Current Courses and Research:

University courses: Management, Project management, Project planning, Production management, Corporate economics

Research fields:

renewable energy sources, sustainable development, management, economics


Economic evaluation and predictive analysis of transactions in regional networks                                           

In the 21st century the development of the social and economic processes requires thinking in systems more and more. The development of settlements today means far more than the innovative remodeling of the given city, town or village; the relationships between the settlements and the regional networks are acquiring a much greater role. Local governments, residents, businesses, NGOs, institutions and the networks connecting them play a great role in innovation at system level.

In my research I regard certain settlements as the nodes of regional networks, and I examine the economic and social interactions of these networks, searching for the sources and the positive economic impacts of these effects. By interconnecting several networks I get network systems, which may be the basis of a regional circular economy, where the goal is to establish a win-win relationship between the individual actors, while minimalizing the production of waste and striving for energy self-sufficiency.

During my investigation I am looking for an answer to the question whether the prerequisites for alternative energy use across multiple settlements, which is considered to be one of the basic pillars of sustainability at the settlement/regional  (as nodes of the regional network) level in the West-Transdanubian region.