About Us

Dr. Elira Luli is a Lecturer and Researcher at “Luarasi” University. She obtained her Ph.D. in International Relations and Political Science in 2017 from the European University of Tirana. In 2022, she was honoured as a George C. Marshall Centre Alumni Scholar after her participation in an alumni group scholar program. Currently, she is a fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Kőszeg (IASK) conducting a research under a general topic: Western Balkans and the EU: Possibilities and hindrances to further EU enlargement.

Dr. Luli’s research focuses on Southeast European Studies, with particular interests in European Integration, the evolution of values and norms in transitioning societies, security challenges, foreign actors’ involvement in Western Balkan countries, the ramifications of corruption and clientelism in governance, good governance within the security sector, Public Diplomacy, and identity issues. Since 2019, she has been actively teaching various courses in International Relations and Political Science, between two universities in Tirana, covering subjects such as Political Institutions, Introduction to International Relations, EU Politics, Structure and Institutions, and Research Methods.

With an extensive professional background that includes Public Administration, holding a role as a Press, Communication, PR, and protocol expert at the Ministry of Defence and a voluntary contributions to Civil Society, she transitioned to full-time academia in 2019, where she has dedicated her efforts to teaching and research. This blend of hands-on experience and scholarly knowledge establishes her as an accomplished professional in the midst of her career.