Research & Studies

The EU also considers the Landsupport project for land managers, in which iASK is involved, a success story

The LANDSUPPORT call for proposals launched by the European Commission in spring 2018 aims to promote and support technical and land use policy projects and land managers at the national and international level by developing a new decision support system.

Fabio Terribile, lead professor at the University of Naples, which is managing the project, believes that the program, which has been hailed as a success story by the EU, must continue! Professor Terribile also participated in the International KRAFT Conference organised by iASK in 2018.

The huge amount of environmental information available to decision-makers can be overwhelming. The EU-funded LANDSUPPORT project developed an easy-to-use web platform that combines satellite, drone and remote sensing data with cutting-edge models. Using this, farmers, policymakers and even citizens can easily find relevant information and make informed environmental choices.
Every minute of every day, satellites, sensors and drones gather huge amounts of data about our planet. However, this wealth of data often does not translate into improved environmental practices.

“The availability of data is not always enough to have a positive impact on land management,” says LANDSUPPORT project coordinator Fabio Terribile, professor of Pedology at the University of Naples Federico II in Italy. “We benefit from good environmental policies here in the EU, but it is evident that the state of the environment is worsening in many cases.”

You can read the whole article by clicking HERE in English!

A list of the partners of LANDSUPPORT can be accessed HERE!