Research & Studies

International KRAFT Conference – Enhancing Historical Regions – Culture, Identity and Cultivation of Values


Small and medium-sized European cities have become increasingly important scenes of cultural and social life. The 5th International KRAFT Conference will present the potentials of cities in the region of Western Pannonia. This will include discussions of successes and challenges for renewal, including an emerging spirit of cooperation. Special attention will be paid to the novel presentation of natural, cultural and architectural heritage.

Our conference will address this approach.

Culture, identity and cultivation of values Creative City, Sustainable Region – Social innovation conference organized by iASK

Venue: Kőszeg, Jurisics Castle, Knights’ Hall

Date: 20-21 September 2019

The conference will be held in Hungarian, simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English.

Participation in the conference is free of charge but is subject to pre-registration!

Please indicate your interest in participation to our colleague Mária Petkovits at [email protected]




Friday, 20 September

 08:30 – 09.30 Registration

09:30 – 10:00 Opening Session

Welcoming remarks:

Ferenc Miszlivetz, iASK

Balázs Orbán, Deputy Minister, Prime Minister’s Office

Péter Ágh, Member of the National Assembly

                   Béla Básthy, Vice-Mayor of Kőszeg

       András Gelencsér, Rector, University of Pannonia

10:00 – 13:00 Navigating in a Common Boat:  Common Objectives and Concerns that Drive the Strengthening of Identity

Cooperation between a City and its Region

Moderator: Zoltán Gaál, iASK

KRAFT – The Kőszeg Example I. by Laura Takács (coordinator)

KRAFT – The Kőszeg Example II. by Alíz Markovits

10.00- 10.25

Creative Cities in Europe by Mariann Szabó, iASK

10.25- 10.55 Upgrading and a Change of Scale – Veszprém 2023: European Capital of Culture

Presenter: Gyula Porga, Mayor of Veszprém

10.55- 11.15 To Connect or Cut the Umbilical Cord? The Present and Future of Cities  Perspectives of the Association of Pannonian Cities

Presenter: Zoltán Birkner, President of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office


11:15 – 11:45 Coffee Break


11:45 – 13:00 A Regional View from the Bottom-Up: Where is the Association of Pannonian Cities Headed?

Roundtable discussion:


Ferenc Miszlivetz, iASK

Nóra Rodek, University of Pannonia, Nagykanizsa



Márta Tolvaj, Vice-mayor of Zalaegerszeg

Béla Básthy, Deputy Mayor of Kőszeg

Zoltán Birkner, President of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office

János Can Togay, Creative and Art Director of Veszprém–Balaton 2023 Zrt.

Beáta Fehérvölgyi, Dean, University of Pannonia, Veszprém

Alíz Markovits, iASK

Róbert Pálinkás, Director of Helikon Castle Museum, Keszthely

Gyula Porga, Mayor of Veszprém

Ádám Takács, Director of Passenger Transportation, GYSEV


13:00 – 14:30 Lunch Break (Europe House, Sigray room)


14:30 – 16:20 Quality and Care: Redefining Values and Aspirations in Creative Cities and Sustainable Regions

            Moderator: Gergely Tóth, University of Pannonia, Georgikon, Keszthely Campus


Best Practices from the Region:

14:30 – 14:50 Roots:  The Role of Regional Natural Assets in the Formation of Local Identity

PresenterGergely Erdős, iASK

14:50 – 15:10 Challenges of Rural Development: Attractivity and Retention Potential of the Region in Accordance with the New Criteria for Rural Development

Presenter: Tamás Tarpataki, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture,

15:10 – 15:30 The Cultural Treasure Trove:  The Impact of Nurturing Social and Cultural Capital

PresenterZoltán Lantos, iASK


15:30 -16:20 Discussion


16:30 – 19:30 iASK Open House

Introduction: Miszlivetz Ferenc, iASK

Comments: Dale Martin, Chief Executive Officer of Siemens Hungary Zrt.

Hosts: Alíz Markovits and Laura Takács, iASK

Architectural workshop. Architects will present buildings that have been renovated and those subject to future renovation. A walk departing from the entrance of the Jurisics Castle.

Hosts: Dezső Ekler, Zoltán Deák, Róbert Gutowski



  • Zwinger Old Tower

17:00 Opening of the exhibiton “Outlines of the Future from Kőszeg’s Perspective”

by Ferenc Miszlivetz


  • Festetics Palace – Heritage – Be a part of Kőszeg’s history!

Host: Mónika Mátay, iASK


The Human Adventure – Remember the future: a walk with Elemér Hankiss

Hosts: Péter Bokányi, iASK

Márton Vecsei, iASK


  • Szemző House – KnowledgeOpen day at the University of Pannonia Kőszeg Campus.

Host: Dániel Zoltán, director of the Campus


  • Sgraffito House

Hosts: Katalin Bognárné Lovász, iASK

Henrietta Dóka, iASK


  • Europe House

Host: Ferenc Miszlivetz, iASK

  • Synagogue

Host: Edit Balázs, Jewish Theological Seminary – University of Jewish Studies

  • Benedictine Monastery

Host: Olga Szalai, head of the Pannonhalma Abbey’s Infrastructural Investments

19:30 Reception (Europe House, Sigray room)


Saturday, 21 September

 9.30 – 12.30 Where Networks Intercept – Trust and Cooperation

Moderator: Zoltán Lantos, iASK


9:30 Characteristics of Cooperation Networks in Hungary and in Europe

Presenter: János Abonyi, professor, University of Pannonia

10:00 – 12:30 Interactive roundtable

  • Digital Humanism
  • The Frontiers of Empirical Knowledge and Algorithmic Knowledge
  • Whom and What can we Trust? Resilience and Ethics in the New Era of Uncertainty

Participants: iASK research fellows and generation researchers


  1. Karvalics László, iASK fellow

Ferenc Kvasznicza, Pajta, Őriszentpéter: the Pajta project

Réka Fülöp, Sounding Houses project, Nagykanizsa

Erasmus Almásy, Bernstein/Borostyánkő Castle Hotel

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break                           


12.40 Closing remarks  by György Schöpflin, President of Advisory Board of iASK

12:50 – 14:20 Closing lunch


15:00 Creative Art – György Vukán piano competition final

18:00 Gala concert

Contributions by: Béla Szakcsi Lakatos, Károly Binder, Elemér Balázs Jr.


The language of the conference is Hungarian with simultaneous English translation.

Participation in the conference is free of charge but is subject to pre-registration. Please indicate your interest in participation here!


Invited speakers


János Abonyi, professor, University of Pannonia

Ágh Péter, MP

Márta Tolvaj, vice-mayor of Zalaegerszeg

Nóra, Berkesné Rodek  associate professor, University of Pannonia

Birkner Zoltánassociate professor, president of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office

Bognárné Dr. Lovász Kata, assistant professor, ELTE Savaria Campus, Szombathely

Péter Bokányi, Hankiss Archives, iASK

Dale Martin, chief-executive, Siemens Ltd.

Zoltán Dániel, director, University of Pannonia Kőszeg Campus

Zoltán Deák, architect

Henrietta Dóka, iASK

Bea Dr. Fehérvölgyi, dean, University of Pannonia

Katalin Dr. Lőrincz, associate professor, University of Pannonia

Dezső Ekler, architect

Gergely Erdős, iASK

Erhard Busek, former vice-chancellor of Austria

Zoltán Gaál, iASK

András Gelencsér, professor, rector of University of Pannonia

Róbert Gutowski, architect

László Huber, mayor of Kőszeg

Zoltán Lantos, KRAFT Social Innovation, iASK

Alíz Markovits, iASK

Mónika Mátay, associate professor ELTE – BTK, IASK

Zoltán Mészáros, president, European Capital of Culture Veszprém

Ferenc Miszlivetzdirector, iASK

Zoltán Mizsei, associate professor Liszt Academy, iASK

Márton Nobilis, head of the Administration, Ministry of Agriculture

Balázs Orbán, deputy minister, Prime Minister’s Office

Gyula Porga, mayor of Veszprém

János Rechnitzer, professor, Széchenyi University, Győr

György Schöpflin, President of Advisory Board of iASK

Mariann Szabó, iASK,

Imréné Szántó  Dr. Balázs Edit, associate professor, Országos Rabbiképző – Zsidó Egyetem

Ádám Takács, director, GYSEV

Eszter Takács, iASK

Laura Takács, iASK

Gergely Tóth, professor, University of Pannonia Georgikon Campus, Keszthely

Márton Vecsei , iASK


V. KRAFT Konferencia Köszöntői

Közös csónakban, közös siker!

Orbán Balázs, Miniszterelnökség miniszterhelyettese

Ágh Péter, országgyűlési képviselő

Básthy Béla, Kőszeg város alpolgármestere

Gelencsér András, a Pannon Egyetem rektora

 Miszlivetz Ferenc, iASK főigazgató



KRAFT, a kőszegi példa

Takács Laura, FTI-iASK projektkoordinátor

Markovits Alíz, FTI-iASK fejlesztési vezető

Kreatív városok Európában – Előadó: Szabó Mariann, iASK kutató

Város és vidék közös sikere – Veszprém Európa Kulturális Fővárosa – Előadó: Porga Gyula, Veszprém város polgármestere

Köldökzsinór- városok jelene és jövője? – A Pannon Városok Szövetségének perspektívái – Előadó: Birkner Zoltán, a Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal elnöke



Gyökerek – Regionális természeti értéktár szerepe a helyi identitás formálásában – ElőadóErdős Gergely, iASK kutató


Együttműködő hálózatok jellegzetességei Magyarországon és Európában – Előadó: Abonyi János, Pannon Egyetem Mérnöki Karának egyetemi tanára


Erasmus Almásy, Bernstein/Borostyánkő Palota Hotel bemutatása