
Research & Studies

results for Articles

Total results: 126
The Western Balkan Migration Route and the Online Media Coverage of Citizens’ Protests
A new article by Dragana Kovačević Bielicki was released.
Examining the Mobility of Higher Education Applicants by Economic Network Models
A new article with the contribution of Zsolt Kosztyán and Ildikó Neumanné Virág was released.
Post-Soviet Russian-speaking Migration, Investment, Entrepreneurship in Eastern and Central Europe (on the Example of Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic)
A new article with the contribution of Sanja Tepavcevic was released.
"SMSTs on Thin Ice – Motivations Behind Migration from a Hungarian Micro‐region" by Mariann Szabó
The aim of the study, authored by iASK research fellow Dr. Mariann Szabó and Pannonia University researcher Dr. Zsuzsa Banász was to highlight the factors influencing the attachment of inhabitants to the towns in the test area ‘Murafölde’, a Hungarian micro‐region.
1989-2019: Is It Possible to Re-enchant Civil Society and Democracy After 30 Years in Europe?
A new article was released in Civil Szemle written by prof. Ferenc Miszlivetz. 
1989 -2019: Thirty Years After: Re-Enchanting Europe?
A brand new article was released in Journal of Global Policies and Governance written by the iASK director, prof. Ferenc Miszlivetz. 
From "Infodemic" to the need for global information and knowledge governance
The published article on - written by László Z. Karvalics - is available only in Hungarian!
Coronavirus: DAMA protocol comes before the Hungarian government, which can control many epidemics
In addition to the infectious, now-frightening (corona COVID-19) virus, Hungarian researchers are also seeking to identify the underlying pathogens that may pose a threat later on.
Mária Széchy - The Venus of Murány - The Missing Story of the Stories of Kőszeg
This content is available only in Hungarian!
Negotiating Identity: Micro Politics of Mixing Apples and Pears in the High School of Jajce, Written by Igor Stipic (iASK)
This article, combining insights from political anthropology, identity studies and sociology, attempts to reinterpret symbolism of the student struggle by contextualizing its development inside of Jajce and BiH itself.
The emergence of genetics from Festetics’ sheep through Mendel’s peas to Bateson’s chickens by Péter Poczai at Journal of Genetics
In its evolution towards genetics as a well-established scientific field in its own right, the history of ‘heredity’ has many plots and characters.
Climate Change above All - Comment & Opinion in Nature by Dan Brooks and Jan Wouter Vasbinder
Europe’s strengths, weaknesses, structures and spats seem trivial in the face of global climate change. Why this isn’t the primary focus of every research programme throughout Europe, and globally, is baffling to us.