Research & Studies

results for Central and Southeastern Europe

Total results: 141
From ‘infodemic’ to the need for global information and knowledge governance by László Z. Karvalics
We have got to identify general patterns behind the dysfunctions of our information flow, concerning the disease. A short leading article by László Z. Karvalics
A Perfect Storm: Climate Change, Emerging Disease and Us
Climate change and epidemic are literally beyond belief. These do not favor any political, economic, social, religious or ethnic group. Including the latest video-lecture by Daniel Brooks.
O Brave New Europe! Shakespearean lessons for negotiating the contemporary European political atmosphere
Lecture by J.D. Mininger (LCC International University, Lithuania) Date: 10 March 2020 (Tuesday) at 2 p.m. Venue: Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st. 16 Zwinger Old Tower Live streaming of all lectures is accessible at
UNESCO MOST Winter School 2020 - Including Video Lectures
Including lecturers, and cultural programmes
The Threat Within the Threat - Global Climate Change and Emerging Disease by Dan Brooks
Climate change is a global phenomenon that recognizes no national boundaries, political, social, religious, or economic systems, or ethnic origins. One element of climate change is the crisis of emerging diseases. This represents an existential threat to humanity; technological, heavily urbanized humanity may be at particular risk. Special Issue of the iASK Working Paper by Daniel R. Brooks.
Similarities and Differences - The Role of Hungarian Jewry in Hungary's Modernization
The content of the workshop is available only in Hungarian!
Joanne Cable: The Stockholm Paradigm (The Lancet, 2020.)
Daniel R. Books, Eric P. Hoberg, Walter A. Boeger: The Stockholm Paradigm: Climate Change and Emerging Disease. University of Chicago Press, 2019. 400 p.
The Impact of Brexit in future EU-UK Relations
Lecture by Szabolcs Takács (Government Commissioner) Date: 04 February 2020, Tuesday, 2 p.m.                  Venue: Zwinger Old-Tower Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel St. 16.
Central Europe Conference in Moscow - Presentation by iASK at the Russian Academy of Sciences
30 Years on the Path of Reforms. Problems, Challenges, Prospects organized by the Centre of Visegrad Studies of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Central Europe 2020 and Beyond – Reflections on the Book by Emil Brix and Erhard Busek ”Central Europe Revisited”
Date: 12 February 2020 4 p.m. Venue: Budapest H-1051 Széchenyi tér 9. HAS Main Building 1st floor – Lecture Hall
2nd UNESCO MOST Winter School 24-28 February 2020 at iASK
Application deadline: 31 January 2020 “In What and Whom Do We Trust? The Sustainability of Ideals and Re-evaluation of Values Across Continents”
Call for Applications - V4 and Central Europe Fellowships at iASK
The fellowship offers access to the resources of iASK to exceptionally talented young researchers so they can work on their proposed topic. The fellowships are open to all academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.