
Research & Studies

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Total results: 831
Cultural Heritage Days at iASK
[:hu]A Felsőbbfokú Tanulmányok Intézete az idei évben is csatlakozik a Kulturális Örökség Napjai országos kezdeményezéshez. Ennek keretében szeptember 17-én (szombaton) és 18-án (vasárnap) látogatható lesz a Festetics Palota, a Sgraffitós Ház és a Zwinger-Öregtorony épülete. A Kulturális Örökség Napjai idén a 150 éves intézményes magyar műemlékvédelem előtt tiszteleg, erre tekintettel külön programokkal is készültünk, amelyekre várunk minden érdeklődőt! 
Ferenc Miszlivetz Sends a Condolence Letter to Mikhail Gorbachev’s Associate Pavel Palazhchenko
The True Cost of Technology: Double Extractivism and Green Criminology in Serbia
The article was written by Ivana Stepanović, iASK researcher and was released in Journal of Criminology and Criminal Law, p. 25-37., in 2022/1.
Izabella Agárdi: On the Verge of History
In her analysis, Izabella Agárdi traces the interactions between micro- and macro- narratives as well as the specific tools women of this generation appropriate to talk about personal memories of their often traumatic past.
The relationship between land withdrawal and soil sealing based on administrative and remote-sensed information
The article was written with the contribution of Gergely Tóth, deputy director and was released in Modern Geográfia, in 2022.
Our Events at the Kőszeg Synagogue Were Popular
Our programmes at the synagogue in Kőszeg were well attended
The First-Ever iASK Podcast
Pecularities of Digital Communications and Internet Entrepreneurship of Russian-speaking Communities During the COVID-19 Lockdown Period on the Example of Hungary
The article was written with the contribution of Sanja Tepavcevic, iASK researcher and was released in a conference paper in 2021.
The pesticide fate tool for groundwater vulnerability assessment within the geospatial decision support system LandSupport
The article was written with the contribution of Tamás Hermann, iASK research fellow and was released in Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 807. Part 1. in 2022.
Week of Synagogues in Kőszeg 28th – 29th of August 2022
Zsinagógák hete Kőszegen az FTI-iASK szervezésében, 2022. augusztus 28–29-én