Research & Studies

Pecularities of Digital Communications and Internet Entrepreneurship of Russian-speaking Communities During the COVID-19 Lockdown Period on the Example of Hungary

The article was written with the contribution of Sanja Tepavcevic, iASK researcher and was released in a conference paper titled СОВРЕМЕННЫЙ РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК: ФУНКЦИОНИРОВАНИЕ И ПРОБЛЕМЫ ПРЕПОДАВАНИЯ (=Pecularities of Digital Communications and Internet Entrepreneurship of Russian-speaking Communities During the COVID-19 Lockdown Period on the Example of Hungary), p. 156-163., in 2021.



The article is devoted to the issues of the changing role of digital communications and the Internet in communication of the Russian-speaking communities in Hungary. The analysis of the sites indicated that the Russian-speaking community in Hungary manifested a growing interest in digital networks. Over the past decade, many different groups have emerged, both institutionalized and non-institutionalized ones. Members of these groups are not only ethnic Russians, but also representatives of other post-Soviet republics, as well as Russian-speaking Hungarians. Analysis of the networks showed that groups have become more often used for business in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. This fact is related to the development of platform economy (for example, purchase and sale of ethnic goods) and to the transition of Russian-speaking communities to virtual space for some types of services (educational, sports, sightseeing, religious, personnel recruitment and others)




The conference was held in Budapest, May 14, 2021.