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Citizens of Kőszeg
This content is available only in Hungarian.
Light a Flame Against the Darkness !
Hanukkah candle lighting in Kőszeg Date: 06 December 2021, Monday at 3 pm (CET) Venue: Kőszeg H-9730 Jurisics Square
Citizens of Kőszeg - Musical Online Book Launch by iASK
Date: 14 December 2021, Tuesday at 5.00 pm (CET) Venue: Online platform of iASK (Facebook and Zoom platform)
Ferenc Miszlivetz Nominated as a Corresponding Member of the HAS
In addition to his wide international recognition, his main merit is the linking of theoretical research with socially and economically useful development activities in practice.
Christmas Concert of the Esterházy Trio
Date: 12nd of December 2021, (Sunday) 5 pm (CET) Venu: Kőszeg H-9730 Kiss János st. 31. EGYMI - Main building 3rd floor - Concert Hall
Attila Pók: In the Role of the Other
Edit Balázs: History of the Jewish Community in Körmend (iASK, 2021, 225 pages)
Golden Moments - The Golden Team and Gyula Lóránt - Exhibition in Kőszeg
Opening: on Thursday, 2 December 2021 at 17.00 in the Knights' Hall of Jurisic Castle The exhibition is open until 9 January 2022!
Hanukkah Candle Lighting in Kőszeg
Date: 06 December 2021, Monday 3.00 pm (CET) Venue: Kőszeg H-9730 Jurisics Square
György Schöpflin, historian, political scientist, former MEP passed away
Since 2016, György Schöpflin has chaired the Advisory Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg.
Talking Houses - Kőszeg Stories - Kőszeg Citizens
The authors of the two-volume book, Kőszeg Stories, and Kőszeg Citizens, thought it was worth sharing with readers the steps of the research and the process of writing the book. The result is the electronic interface of Kőszeg Stories and Citizens.
The Quality of Democracy and Eurozone Membership - Lecture by Krisztina Arató
Date: 30th of November 2021 (Tuesday) at 10.00 am (CET) Venue: Online platforms of iASK (Zoom and Facebook)
The government has decided on a KRAFT development worth more than 12 billion HUF
The KRAFT programme is being developed by Ferenc Miszlivetz and coordinated by the FTI-iASK, which he heads as Director-General.