Vilmos Csányi: Elementary Units of Human Knowledge – An Evolutionary Analysis
Both humans and animals can think. The essential difference is that humans are capable of exchanging thoughts with their fellows. Venue: Ibrahim Coffe-house and Restaurant, Kőszeg H-9730 Főtér 17. Date: on the 09th of April 2018 at 6 p.m.
Gábor Szabó (HAS): Contextuality and Quantum Theory
Contextuality is a fundamental notion in the foundations of quantum theory. It says that one cannot assign values to a quantum observable independently of what other observables are co-measured with it. That is, physical properties in quantum theory are contextual: they depend on other, jointly performed measurements.
Shades Hidden in Matter – Exhibition Opening on the 6th of April
On 6 April 2018, at 5 p.m. sculptor Endre András Tornay’s exhibiton entitled “Shades hidden in matter” will be opened by iASK in the Zwinger Old Tower in Kőszeg.
Towards a Circular Economy – CUNY-iASK Project at iASK on the 4-5th of April
Resilience and Regeneration of the Pannonian Region in Hungary: Towards a Circular Economy 4 April 2018 Wednesday 13.00 Introduction to the project by Hillary Brown and Sándor Kerekes 13.30 Welcome by Básthy Béla deputy major of city Koszeg 14.00 Study trip to Kőszeg and introduction of the site by László Tóth 17.00 Industrial ecology and […]
Turning point for Europe – Remembering 1918 –
What is the meaning of 1918 for today’s European politics and societies? What is the role of this history in envisioning Europe of the 21st century? The Czech Centres in cooperation with Václav Havel Library, Bozar Centre for Fine Arts, Finnish Institute for the Benelux, Culture Action Europe, and EUNIC Prague cluster would like to […]
The Construction of European Identity
As part of the series “European Year of Cultural Heritage”, the international conference ‘Heritage and identity’ was organised by the Association of Cultural Heritage Managers (KÖME) in collaboration with the Institute of Advanced Studies (iASK) and the local government of Kőszeg between 23-26 March 2018.
Heritage and Identity” – Interpret Europe Conference
[videobox main_video=”8858″ side_videos=”%5B%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%228979%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%228916%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%228892%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%228971%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%228900%22%7D%2C%7B%22side_videos_array%22%3A%229047%22%7D%5D”] Kenan Malik: History and heritage in the age of identity – keynote speech at the Heritage and Identity Conference in Kőszeg Tibor Navracsics: Exploring heritage and identity – towards embracing a European identity Ferenc Miszlivetz: European (Inter)Cultural Heritage in the Age of Fluid Identities Zoltán Mizsei (iASK): The Sounding City Concept […]
Bach for Everyone – Festival in Kőszeg
Excellent musicians will give concerts in honour of Johann Sebastian Bach between 24th and 25th of March in Kőszeg. On the occasion of the famous composer’s birthday, the audience will have the chance to listen to his outstanding musical pieces in special places and circumstances.
Where Words Fail, Music Speaks
The conversation will focus on the specifics of music as an analog mode of communication between human beings. Date: 21 of March, 2018 at 3.00 p.m. Venue: Szamos Marzipan Patisserie – Budapest, 1126 Böszörményi st. 44-46.
iASK Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 workshop
A kőszegi Felsőbbfokú Tanulmányok Intézete (FTI-iASK) munkatársai, Magasházi Anikó, Németh Kornél, Csepeli György 2018. március 19-én Győrben a Győr-Moson-Sopron Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara szervezésében magyar vállalatok vezetői részvételével érzékenyítő munkamegbeszélést tartottak a közelítő digitális transzformáció gazdasági és társadalmi következményeiről, az elkerülhetetlenül bekövetkező negyedik ipari forradalom (Ipar 4.0) technológiai, informatikai paramétereiről és várható társadalmi hatásairól.
The Daring Diplomat Who Proved One Person Can Challenge an Empire
A whistleblower puts his life on the line to defy Soviet aggression. Sixty years later, this forgotten story of subterfuge, smears and suspicious death has never felt more timely. The Povl Bang-Jensen story – based on the iASK publication book Cry for Freedom – on the
A Dream has Become Reality in Kőszeg – Creative Cities and Sustainable Regions program
A várost földrajzi helyzete, egységes épített öröksége, páratlan történelmi és polgári hagyományai, illetve iskolavárosi múltja alkalmassá teszik arra, hogy új típusú tudásközponttá váljon