Macedonia: Illiberal Democracy or Outright Authoritarianism

Research & Studies

Hankiss Elemér – Emlékkönyv

A Hankiss Elemér-emlékkönyv a 2015-ben elhunyt sokoldalú társadalomtudós születésének 90. évfordulójára jelenik meg.

Katalin Bogyay: A Cry for Freedom

Katalin Bogyay: A Cry for Freedom : Reflections on the 1956 Hungarian Revolution at the UN and Beyond / ed. Jody Jensen This book provides insights into how we commemorated the 60th anniversary of the glorious days of the 1956 uprising at the New York Headquarters of the UN. The book focuses on the enduring […]

James M. Skelly: The Sarcophagus of Identity

James M. Skelly: The Sarcophagus of Identity : Tribalism, Nationalism, and the Transcendence of the Self Given the increasing centrality of identity to contemporary politics, James Skelly’s book provides a critical and useful analysis of the dominant and problematic conceptual bases for self and identity. Inspired in part by his lawsuit against the U.S. Secretary […]

Stuart Holland: Beyond Austerity

Stuart Holland: Beyond Austerity : Democratic Alternatives for Europe Beyond Austerity argues that the European Union already has the means to finance the equivalent of the Roosevelt New Deal, which saved the US from Depression in the 1930s, without needing either fiscal federalism or ‘ever closer union’. This is highly relevant to the referendum on […]

Reframing Europe’s Future

Reframing Europe’s Future : Challenges and failures of the European construction / ed. by Jody Jensen and Ferenc Miszlivetz Many fundamental questions have emerged since the global financial crisis began. These include how we want to live on this planet and how we want to live with each other. Questions have been raised about our […]

Stuart Holland: Europe in Question

Stuart Holland: Europe in Question –  and what to do about it In the 1960s, Stuart Holland was an adviser on Europe to Harold Wilson, but resigned when Wilson would not follow trough openings on Europe and domestic economic policy. He then drafted proposals on the latter, which were adopted by the Labour Party in […]

Global Challenges – European and Local Answers

Global Challenges – European and Local Answers : The Rise of Glocalty in Europe / ed. by Ferenc Miszlivetz and Jody Jensen The interdependent and manifold global crises have seriously disrupted the European project. Valid solutions and alternatives cannot be found by remaining within structurally separated disciplines. The multidimensional and complex approach of political scientists, […]