Climatters 2018 – Climate Conference – Budapest

Research & Studies

Etude in Memoriam Elemér Hankiss (1928-2015)

Elemér Hankiss would turn 90 today. A few of the last important great questions raised by Elemér Hankiss (social scientist and public thinker) that we all need to answer at some point…  

Secrets Behind the Walls – Eleven Mysteries of Kőszeg

Science in the Pub: Lecturer: Mónika Mátay (historian ELTE, iASK researcher) “The built, silent witnesses, the buildings of Kőszeg will be animated thus revealing destinies and stories hidden by them. Besides the macroscopic approach, it is worth considering our common past and experiences from a micro perspective allowing us to develop a better understanding of […]

Bilingualism and the aspects of being bilingual

Science in the Pub Series – on 28th of May – In most European countries the concept of “one language –one nation” is prevalent although national minorities are also living there. Due to international migration, however, the identity of European nation states has changed lately. The ethnic composition of countries and large cities has changed tremendously, and more and more mixed language areas are formed where people become bilingual. The use of two or more languages entails integration of two or more cultures and changes the original nation state identity.

Anikó Magasházi: Singapore and Southeast Asia

Science in the Pub: Singapore and Southeast Asia Lecturer: Anikó Magasházi (economist, iASK researcher)  Date: on 07th of May at 6.00 p.m. Venue: Tóth Vinery Rákóczi st. 6. H-9730 Kőszeg  Live streaming of the lecture is accessible at and