Students from ELTE Bibó István College participated in a weekend-long block seminar at iASK

As part of an ongoing partnership, students from ELTE Bibó István College for Advanced Studies participated in a weekend-long block seminar at iASK. The course, focusing on global inequalities, was taught by Jody Jensen, director of transdisciplinary research and collaboration at iASK. The course was built around a bespoke syllabus, designed to enable the students […]
iASK surveys the results of the European Capital of Culture Programme in Veszprém

iASK has started a three-week, 1200-person, large-scale survey in Veszprém, which will explore the changes in the city over the past seven years, with a special focus on the impact of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture Programme.
Book launch: A Contested Europe written by Prof György Schöpflin

The event was organised in honor of Prof. Schöpflin and of the book at the Danube Institute, where Ferenc Miszlivetz, Director of the iASK also gave a speech.
Ferenc Miszlivetz received a prestigious award from Széchenyi István University

In recognition of his valuable work in the development of regional higher education, strengthening cooperation between institutions and making academic achievements visible.
Closing event on 25th September – The Bakony Social Innovation Project

On 25 September iASK will present the research results of the Bakony Social Innovation Project with guided tours, cultural, educational, gastronomic programs and craft activities.
The New Lecture Series on the Future of Europe Starts on October 4th

The Future of Europe in a Global Context Kicks off with a talk by Larysa Tamilina: “Making a Difference Through Similarities: A Comparative Analysis of Social Trust Formation Between Ukraine and Russia”.
iASK at the 27th International Book Festival

iASK presents its publications at the 27th International Book Festival in Budapest from September 29th to October 2nd .
Cultural Heritage Days at iASK

A Felsőbbfokú Tanulmányok Intézete az idei évben is csatlakozik a Kulturális Örökség Napjai országos kezdeményezéshez. Ennek keretében szeptember 17-én (szombaton) és 18-án (vasárnap) látogatható lesz a Festetics Palota, a Sgraffitós Ház és a Zwinger-Öregtorony épülete. A Kulturális Örökség Napjai idén a 150 éves intézményes magyar műemlékvédelem előtt tiszteleg, erre tekintettel külön programokkal is készültünk, amelyekre várunk minden érdeklődőt!
Ferenc Miszlivetz Sends a Condolence Letter to Mikhail Gorbachev’s Associate Pavel Palazhchenko

Ferenc Miszlivetz, the founder and director of the Institute of Advanced Studies Koszeg has sent a condolence letter to Pavel Palazhchenko who was a long-time close associate of Mikhail Gorbachev. Palazhchenko was Gorbachev’s chief English interpreter from 1985 to 1991 and stood beside him during the crucial and final years of the Cold War. Eventually, […]
Our Events at the Kőszeg Synagogue Were Popular

After the renovation, the unique Kőszeg Synagogue opened its doors to the public with new activities and rich cultural events as part of the city’s cultural heritage. On the 28th and 29th of August 2022, the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) contributed to the series of events for the national Week of Synagogues. During […]
Our programmes at the synagogue in Kőszeg were well attended

After the completion of renovation, the unique Synagogue in Kőszeg opened its doors to the public with new activities and rich cultural programmes as part of the city’s cultural heritage. On the 28th and 29th of August 2022, the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) contributed to the series of events for the national Week […]
The First-Ever iASK Podcast

Science in the Pub lecture with Zsuzsanna Márka Zsuzsanna Márka astrophysicist and researcher of the Columbia University gave a lecture entitled “Coincidence or a real cosmic event?” at the beautiful Borterasz overlooking the famous Kőszeg vineyards. The venue was filled to the brim as Zsuzsanna Márka explained how cosmic events like supernovae, colliding neutron […]