Reverse diary: secret agents, civil movement, private history / ed. by Éva Stefánich
This content is available only in Hungarian.
Ferenc Miszlivetz: I remain a civilian
This content is available only in Hungarian.
Talking Veszprém
This content is available only in Hungarian.
Ferenc Miszlivetz – István Sümegi – Gábor Szabó – Ildikó Szommer – Erzsébet Tokaji Nagy: Heroic Times
This content is available only in Hungarian.
Stories of Keszthely
This content is available only in Hungarian.
Citizens of Kőszeg
This content is available only in Hungarian.
Edit Balázs: Pannonian Values: the Jewish Community in Körmend
If you are interested in the Hungarian past, you will surely take with interest the work of Edit Balázs, which tells the story of the 150 years history of the Jews of Körmend.
András Nagy: Knight of the Incognito
András Nagy, a writer and essayist, has been dealing with Kierkegaard’s works, personality, world and influence for decades. The present volume contains the results of his recent research.
Iván Bába-Iván Gyurcsík-Csaba Gy. Kiss: Central Europe in 2020 : Through Hungarian Eyes
Should Central Europe abandon essential components of its identity in order to conform to Western Europe, so that the fate of Europe could be turned in a “good direction,” or is it possible that a deeper integration of the two macro-regions will emerge, where the two, Western and Central parts of equal rank unite to create a genuinely and deeply integrated Europe?
András Nagy: Fatal compassion: the “Hungarian question” and the UN 1956-1963
The book is available in Hungarian.
György Csepeli: Human 2.0 – Economic and Social Consequences of the Artificial Intelligence
The recently published book is available in Hungarian.
Emil Brix-Erhard Busek: Közép-Európa újragondolása: Miért Közép-Európában dől el Európa jövője?
Translated from the German edition Mitteleuropa Revisited: Warum Europas Zukunft in Mitteleuropa entschieden wird