Hidden treasures in the Bakony – The storytelling cookbook of Bakonynána

This brand new article was written by Mariann Szabó, iASK researcher, with Judit Keszey and was released in Nők Lapja online in 2023.
„They have been taken away with the Jews”. Multidimensional Memory and Minority Narrative

This brand new article was written by Izabella Agárdi, iASK researcher, and was released in Helikon in 2022.
The Challenges of Transcultural Memories and Memory Studies in the Global Age

This brand new article was written by Tímea Jablonczay, iASK researcher, and was released in Helikon in 2022.
Opportunities and challenges of bio-based fertilizers utilization for improving soil health

This brand new article was written with the contribution of Gergely Tóth, deputy-director, and was released in Organic Agriculture in 2023.
Nothing Special? A Cutting-edge Co-creative Regional Development Project in Hungary’s Bakony Mountains

The brand new article was written with the contribution of Mariann Szabó and Izabella Agárdi iASK researchers, and was released in Turisztikai és Vidékfeljesztési Tanulmányok in 2023.
Distribution pattern of major crops and their cultivation intensity indicated by soil phosphorus concentrations in Europe

The article was written with the contribution of Nóra Szigeti, Tamás Hermann, iASK researchers and Gergely Tóth, deputy-director, and was released in Agronomy Journal in 2023.
Divide We Fall – Interview with Jody Jensen

This interview with Jody Jensen was released in World Politics and Economics in 2023.
Cropland Productivity Evaluation: A 100 m Resolution Country Assessment Combining Earth Observation and Direct Measurements

The article was written with the contribution of Tamás Hermann, iASK researcher and Gergely Tóth, deputy-director, and was released in Remote Sensing in 2023.
Algorithmic Social Sorting and New Legal Narratives On Digital Privacy

The article was written by Ivana Sepanović, iASK researcher and was released in Journal of the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research in 2022.
Hate and the will to change

The article was written by Attila Pók, iASK researcher and was released in Szabad Piac, 2022/2.
Integrative System Biology Analysis of Transcriptomic Responses to Drought Stress in Soybean (Glycine max L.)

The article was written with the contribution of Péter Poczai, iASK researcher and was released in Genes in 2022.
Determining Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Landraces from Türkiye Using SSR Markers

The article was written with the contribution of Péter Poczai, iASK researcher and was released in Genes in 2022.