Research & Studies

Sándor Kerekes: Limits of the Earth and strategies of sustainability – Science in the Pub

„Nature! Let the standard of your own law unfold, and the world will listen to your true words of gold.”

(Mihály Csokonai Vitéz: Konstancinápoly – 1794)

How long can the Earth bear the burdens of the uncontrolled consequences of production?

When can the recovery mechanisms of the Earth restore the natural order?

Can environmentally friendly patterns be enforced considering global companies?

Speaker: Sándor Kerekes (economist, senior researcher of IASK) – Science in the Pub series

Venue: Kékfény Restaurant – Várkör st. 25.

Date: Monday, 26 February 2018 at 6.00 p.m.

Lecture was held in Hungarian!