Research & Studies

Science and Beyond – Hankiss Book Launch Events at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Organised by the Institute of Advanced Studies, two Hankiss books were presented on 17 December 2018 at the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It is almost impossible to thoroughly present Elemér Hankiss’ substantial oeuvre. His worldview flashes through the recently published books, moreover, a complete picture is given of his way of thinking and his continuous quest for grasping the inherent human essence.

In the Elemér Hankiss Memorial Book published by Helikon, his friends, relatives, colleagues, contemporaries, and students commemorate Elemér Hankiss. The book provides a real portrait of Hankiss through memories shared by different people. Filtered through various witnesses’ views, Elemér Hankiss’s way of thinking is portrayed as that of an undefinable and unknown postmodern Renaissance man.

The special issue of the Hungarian Science (Magyar Tudomány) highlights a few less known aspects of Elemér Hankiss’s oeuvre and his outstanding role in the establishment of the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg, an institution based upon new scientific principles.

Welcome: Ferenc Miszlivetz director (iASK)

Host: Norbert Kroó, physicist (HAS)


  • Izabella Agárdi, historian (iASK)
  • Péter Bokányi, literary historian (iASK)
  • Attila Pók historian, (HAS)
  • György Schöpflin, political scientist (MEP)
  • Mónika Mátay (iASK)
  • György Csepeli (iASK)
  • Katalin Kondor
  • Tamás Fejérdy (iASK)
  • Balázs Fűzfa (iASK)
  • Tibor Palánkai (iASK)

Date: Monday, 17 December 2018 at 4 p.m.

Venue: Budapest, HAS Library Arany János Street 1