Research & Studies

History and heritage in the age of identity – Kenan Malik’s keynote speech at the Heritage and Identity Conference in Kőszeg

Between 23 and 26 March 2018, the annual conference of the Interpret Europe network will be organised jointly by the Association of Cultural Heritage Managers (KÖME), the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) and the Local Government of the town of Kőszeg with nearly 200 experts from over 30 countries. The conference will be opened by Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport who launched the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

History and heritage in the age of identity – Keynote speech by Kenan Malik at the Heritage and Identity Conference of Interpret Europe

Interpret Europe’s annual conference of 2018 took place from 23 to 26 March in Kőszeg (Hungary). It had been organised together with the Hungarian partners Association of Cultural Heritage Managers (KÖME / HU), the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) and the Local Government of the town of Kőszeg with nearly 200 experts from 40 countries. Being part of the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage, the conference was opened by the EU Commissioner for Education and Culture, Tibor Navracsics.

The main keynote-speaker was Kenan Malik, Indian-born British writer, lecturer and broadcaster, and a columnist for the Observer and the New York Times.

Kenan Malik – History and heritage in the age of identity
Fractious debates over ‘identity’ have become one of the defining features of our age. As the question of identity has become more politicized, so has our understanding of history and heritage. History has often become a prop for particular vision of identity, and heritage policy a means of presenting the past in a way that helps define the present from a particular political or moral perspective. How does history shape identity? How should identity illuminate history? And how can we untangle the relationship between identity, history and policy?
