Research & Studies

BREXIT: iASK Discussion with Stuart Holland, Robert Manchin, Ferenc Miszlivetz & James M. Skelly

Researchers, professors of the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) are having a discussion about BREXIT.

Stuart Holland: former adviser to British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, he was a Labour Member of Parliament and then worked with Jacques Delors on EU policies for economic and social cohesion, including the recommendation of Eurobonds as a solution to the Eurozone crisis on the model of the Roosevelt New Deal.

Robert Manchin: is a sociologist, economist, musician by education, a social activist driven by conscience and an entrepreneurial manager by chance, he was the founding director of the Gallup International Research and Education Center, he was visiting professor at various universities in the US and Europe.

Ferenc Miszlivetz: is the director of iASK, founder of ISES Foundation, a full professor and Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in International Relations, Jean Monnet Chair ‘ad personam’.

James M. Skelly: is Director Emeritus of the Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies at Juniata College in Pennsylvania where he had served for many years as a Senior Fellow. Previously he was a Visiting Professor of Peace Studies at Magee College of the University of Ulster in Derry, Northern Ireland and, Coordinator for Peace & Justice Programming for BCA, an international education organization.
