Research & Studies

Gábor Kardos: How to Reframe the Future of Europe (Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics, 2016.)

This thought-provoking book addressing the challenges and failures of the European integration processes from an interdisciplinary perspective has been published in the series of Routledge Advances in European Politics.

The main aim of the book is to contribute to the deeper understanding of the structural problems standing behind the European crisis and to the identification of ways out.

The editors emphasize in the introduction that in previous crises there always was a pro-integration bias to proposed solutions on which consensus was based. These days that is far from clear as more and varied voices articulate increasing frustration, dissatisfaction, distrust, and cynicism with the current state of affairs in Europe. Furthermore, the increasing number of asylum seekers means great external challenge to the integrated Europe. We might say that the ship of European integration is cruising on troubled waters under gloomy sky.