Research & Studies

Etudes for Europe – Concerts and Lecture Series organised by iASK

December 10 Monday

16:30 110 Years After: Reinterpreting Bartók for the 21st Century – Premier by the Binder Trio (supported by iASK) 

17.15 Zoltán Mizsei – Etudes of Elemér Hankiss 

17.30 Fritz Kreisler, the Virtuoso Wonderchild of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy

Performance by Ernő Sebestyén and Ferenc Bognár

Venue: Festetics Palace 

December 11 Tuesday

10:00 A Scandinavian Europe? Europe in the 21st Century

Lecture by Göran Thernborn (University of Cambridge)

The event is in English.

Venue: Zwinger / Old Tower

December 12 Wednesday

13.00 Central Europe Then and Now… The Legacy of the Habsburg Monarchy

Speakers: András Bán, Erhard Busek, Ferenc Miszlivetz, Karel von Schwarzenberg 

Moderator: Izabella Agárdi                                          

15.00 Book launch: Mitteleuropa Revisited: Warum Europas Zukunft in Mitteleuropa entschieden wird (by Erhard Busek and Emil Brix)

The book will be introduced by Iván Bába, followed by a roundtable with iASK researchers.

The event is in English!

Venue: Zwinger / Old Tower

16.30 100 Years After the Monarchy: The Eszterházy Trió in Concert

 Welcome and speeches: Izabella Agárdi, Erhard Busek and Ferenc Miszlivetz

Venue: Dr. Nagy László EGYMI School, Concert Hall

The event is organized by the Eszterházy Trio

Tickets on the spot – price: 2500 HUF