Research & Studies

results for Articles

Total results: 130
A European Germany Returns?
The outcome of the negotiations for a Grand Coalition in Germany has been remarkable.
Constructing “the people” by Igor Stipić
This article, essentially following the contributions of Gramsci and Laclau on hegemony and populism (a non-normative view), analyzes the possibilities for Bosnian-Herzegovinian (BiH) society to challenge its predominantly unaccountable and authoritarian political structures, taking as a point of departure the 2013–2014 outburst of protests and social mobilization.
Chasing the Impossible - Article on "Wild Sustainability" by Sándor Kerekes in Magyar Minőség
[:hu]Malthus (1798) több, mint kétszáz éve borús jövőt jósolt az emberiségnek. Azóta biztosan sokan foglalkoztak az emberiség jövőjével, és döntő többségük jobbítani szeretné a világ állapotát.
Controlled Passions or the Sustainable Capitalism?
The wisdom of Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is still relevant today: “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do. But what I hate, I do.”
Reformation and Individualization
X. Leo, the new elected Pope, has understood the Luther's disciples are very dangerous, because of threatening the absolut power of the Church ruling over the people's souls and bodies...
Analysis of the Economic and Social Effects of the 4th Industrial Revolution
The factories that emerged as a result of the first Industrial Revolution and the machinery they cut the worker off from the object of his work and put him in such a process the rules of which he did not set.
Changing Autonomy in the times of the PT - in Encrucijada Americana
Can Europe Make it? - The Future of the Catalan-Spanish Relations
Segregation in Tinctures and in Societies
Stuart Holland: Social Europe - Economic Recovery of the EU is not Beholden to the ECB