Alternatives for Circular Bioeconomy in Organic Farming under Excessive Nutrients (Goat manure and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi): A Case Study in Indonesia
The article was written with the contribution of Gergely Tóth, iASK deputy-director and was released in Sustainability, 13(22).
Spatiotemporal Prediction and Mapping of Heavy Metals at Regional Scale Using Regression Methods and Landsat 7
The article was written with the contribution of Gergely Tóth, iASK deputy-director and was released in Remote Sensing, 13(22).
On the Margins of History - The 20th Century in the Memories of Rural Hungarian Women
Date: 29 November 2021, Monday 18.00 CET.
Venue: online broadcast on the FTI-iASK Facebook page and Zoom platform
Central Europe Within the European Union - written by Iván Bába
The article was published in the Central European Issues 2021/1 of the University of Silesia
"Faces of Hungarian Nationalism" by Attila Pók - NISE Lecture
Date: 25 November 2021 at 6.00 pm (CET)
Venue: Faculty of Humanities of the KU Leuven, Antwerp. The lecture will also be live-streamed.
Wither German Conservatism? - From the Wirtschaftswunder to the Energiewende – and Beyond - Lecture by Paul Hockenos
Date: 16th of November 2021 (Tuesday) at 3.00 pm (CET)
Venue: Online platforms of iASK (Zoom and Facebook)
The Persecuted Hero - The Story of the Danish Diplomat Povl Bang-Jensen - by András Nagy
Venue: Budapest H-1088 Rákóczi St. 8 - ELTE R-building I. floor room 151
Date: 10 November 2021, Wednesday, 12.00 p.m.
Professor Zoltán Gaál received a Kőszeg award at the Royal City Day of Kőszeg
Zoltán Gaál was honoured for his outstanding work in the launch of the University of Pannonia Kőszeg Campus and the implementation of the Creative City, Sustainable Region (KRAFT) programme.
Talking Colours - Presentation of Tamás Fejérdy's new book
Venue: FUGA - Budapest H-1052 Petőfi Sándor utca 5.
Date: 17 November 2021, Wednesday at 5.00 pm
Royal Town Day in Kőszeg
This content is available only in Hungarian!
Environmental, sustainability and climate protection objectives and programme of the municipalities of the Association of Pannonian Cities
This content is available only in Hungarian!
Kőszeg Sounding City - Inner Soundwalk - Collegium Sonorum
Hundred years old music from composers in Kőszeg.