
Research & Studies

results for News

Total results: 201
Where Words Fail, Music Speaks
The conversation will focus on the specifics of music as an analog mode of communication between human beings. Date: 21 of March, 2018 at 3.00 p.m. Venue: Szamos Marzipan Patisserie - Budapest, 1126 Böszörményi st. 44-46.
The Daring Diplomat Who Proved One Person Can Challenge an Empire
A whistleblower puts his life on the line to defy Soviet aggression. Sixty years later, this forgotten story of subterfuge, smears and suspicious death has never felt more timely. The Povl Bang-Jensen story - based on the iASK publication book Cry for Freedom - on the
A Dream has Become Reality in Kőszeg – Creative Cities and Sustainable Regions program
[:hu] A várost földrajzi helyzete, egységes épített öröksége, páratlan történelmi és polgári hagyományai, illetve iskolavárosi múltja alkalmassá teszik arra, hogy új típusú tudásközponttá váljon
The Future of Europe - In a Global Context
iASK Lecture Series 2018 Spring - Contribution of international scientists and researchers - Live streaming of all lectures is accessible at
In a world of diverse religions
The Archabbot reflected on the role of Pope Francis and the situation of Christianity today. He drew attention to different historical contexts and addressed how the Church has perceived its role over the course of time.
Limits of the Earth and strategies of sustainability - Science in the Pub
How long can the Earth bear the burdens of the uncontrolled consequences of production? When can the recovery mechanisms of the Earth restore the natural order? Can environmentally friendly patterns be enforced considering global companies?
Pope Francis and the situation of Christendom – Science in the Pub
From Monnet to Merkel - Ambitions, Illusions and Realities - Stuart Holland's lecture at iASK
Second Lecture of the iASK Series: "The Future of Europe in Global Context" by Stuart Holland (University of Coimbra, iASK).  Date: 3 p.m.  19 March, 2018. Live streaming of the lecture is accesible at and
Controlled Passions or the Sustainable Capitalism?
The wisdom of Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is still relevant today: “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do. But what I hate, I do.”
Reformation and Individualization
X. Leo, the new elected Pope, has understood the Luther's disciples are very dangerous, because of threatening the absolut power of the Church ruling over the people's souls and bodies...
Solidarity as means to attain great objectives - History of the Freemasonry
Freemansory deals with great, general philosophical and moral questions... In the county newspaper of Vas county...
video english