
Month: April 2020

Total results: 11
Trust - an Integral Part of the Welfare State in Denmark
H.E. Kirsten Geelan, Denmark’s ambassador to Hungary lectured at iASK in "The Future of Europe in a Global Context" series,
1989-2019: Is It Possible to Re-enchant Civil Society and Democracy After 30 Years in Europe?
A new article was released in Civil Szemle written by prof. Ferenc Miszlivetz. 
1989 -2019: Thirty Years After: Re-Enchanting Europe?
A brand new article was released in Journal of Global Policies and Governance written by the iASK director, prof. Ferenc Miszlivetz. 
New E-Learning of English Language for Secondary School Students by iASK
As a Math-English teacher of Jurisich Miklós Grammar School in Kőszeg Ágnes Lepold's goal is to demonstrate the topics in the English exams the easiest possible way and help you develop your speaking skills.
Singapore: Facing the coronavirus – after 17 years of preparations
SARS in 2003 taught Singapore important lessons in planning a national response.
Alíz Markovits was appointed to the CEO of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture Corporation
This content is available only in Hungarian!
Each Balance Sheet Has Two Columns by Norbert Kroó
Motto: I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. (Albert Einstein)
From "Infodemic" to the need for global information and knowledge governance
The published article on - written by László Z. Karvalics - is available only in Hungarian!
Farewell Enlightenment Rationality - Black Swans on the Blue Sky Series by iASK
Hungary has become the scapegoat for the failure of left-liberalism which has overseen intolerable inequalities, a slowing of upward social mobility, mounting dissatisfaction with marginalization (Brexit, gilets jaunes, Lega, AfD). Leading article by György Schöpflin (Head of the Advisory Board od iASK)
From ‘infodemic’ to the need for global information and knowledge governance by László Z. Karvalics
We have got to identify general patterns behind the dysfunctions of our information flow, concerning the disease. A short leading article by László Z. Karvalics
Similarities and Differences – The Role of Hungarian Jewry in Hungary’s Modernization
The content of the workshop is available only in Hungarian!